Packages changed:
  bijiben (3.34.2 -> 3.36.1)
  fonttosfnt (1.0.5+20170126.aead36f -> 1.1.0)
  inxi (3.0.38 -> 3.1.00)
  lightsoff (3.34.0 -> 3.36.0)
  polari (3.34.1 -> 3.36.1)
  python-pexpect (4.3.1 -> 4.8.0)
  python-py (1.5.2 -> 1.8.1)
  vlc ( ->
  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin (2.4.3 -> 2.4.4)

=== Details ===

==== accountsservice ====
Subpackages: accountsservice-lang libaccountsservice0 typelib-1_0-AccountsService-1_0

- Apply as-fate318433-prevent-same-account-multi-logins.patch to Leap.

==== bijiben ====
Version update (3.34.2 -> 3.36.1)
Subpackages: bijiben-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-bijiben

- Update to version 3.36.1:
  + Fixed notes behavior when in Trash.
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 3.36.0:
  + Changed default colors to use GNOME palette.
  + Improved shortcuts.
  + Fixed issue when pasting text to new notes.
  + Moved note title to the HeaderBar.
  + Reduced minimum window width.
  + Updated help screenshots.
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 3.35.92:
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 3.35.91:
  + Fixed and added many shortcuts.
  + Updated help screenshots.
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 3.35.2:
  + Changed default colors to use GNOME palette.
  + Fixed paste event handler so Notes knows when that happens.
  + Reduced minimum window width.
  + Changed note title to headerbar.
  + GTimeVal Deprecation.
  + Updated translations.
- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-0.0) BuildRequires: new dependency.
- Drop cmake BuildRequires: not needed. We use meson.

==== enchant ====
Subpackages: enchant-2-backend-voikko enchant-data libenchant-2-2

- Enable aspell support on SLE to synchronize with Leap.

==== fonttosfnt ====
Version update (1.0.5+20170126.aead36f -> 1.1.0)

- Update to version 1.1.0
  * Update README for gitlab migration
  * Update bug URL for gitlab migration
  * Correct a string literal
  * Mention .otb as an extension
  * Accept a BDF font on stdin
  * Avoid undefined behaviour
  * Round font size to integer value when reading bitmap font
  * Mark vsprintf_alloc as printf-like function
  * check for freetype NULL atoms
  * let freetype handle ISO-8859-1 mapping
  * allow ISO-646.1991-IRV as well, adobe standard for bdf
- Update to version 1.0.5
  * Is it a bird? is it a plane? No it's a fonttofs.. fontstof..
    fonttofn... it's a release of the tool that wraps a bitmap
    font into a truetype wrapper! Bringing you the last 9 years
    of exciting changes including ansification and lots of
    autotools cleanup changes, because that is how we rolled 7
    years ago. (Almost) no source files were harmed in the
    making of this release.
- get rid of _service/_servicedata files

==== gdb ====

- Fix python 3.8 warning [bsc#1169495].
- Fix build with gcc 10 [bsc#1169368, swo#25717].
  * bfd-change-num_group-to-unsigned-int.patch

==== gdm ====
Subpackages: gdm-lang gdmflexiserver libgdm1 typelib-1_0-Gdm-1_0

- Disable gnome-initial-setup under gdm mode in Leap and SLE

==== gnome-session ====
Subpackages: gnome-session-core gnome-session-default-session gnome-session-lang gnome-session-wayland

- Add gnome-session-error-numbers-wrong.patch: Remove erron in log
  'gnome-session-c[4905]: Error creating FIFO: File exists'
  (bsc#1169165 glgo!GNOME/gnome-session#42).
- Add gnome-session-remove-gsd-XSettings.patch: Remove
  org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings from file gnome.session
  (bsc#1163262 glgo#GNOME/gnome-session#51)

==== gnome-shell-extensions ====
Subpackages: gnome-shell-classic gnome-shell-classic-session

- Add gnome-shell-extensions-remove-gsd-XSettings.patch: Remove
  org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XSettings from file gnome-classic.session
  (bsc#1163262 glgo#GNOME/gnome-session#51)

==== grilo-plugins ====
Subpackages: grilo-plugin-tracker grilo-plugin-youtube grilo-plugins-lang

- Remove use of is_opensuse. Chromaprint and libdmapsharing3 are
  now built in SLE-15-SP2 (jsc#SLE-11723).

==== gvfs ====
Subpackages: gvfs-backend-afc gvfs-backend-samba gvfs-backends gvfs-fuse gvfs-lang

- Enable gvfs-nds.patch and gvfs-nvvfs.patch for Leap to remove
  difference between Leap and SLE.

==== ibus-table-chinese ====
Subpackages: ibus-table-chinese-array ibus-table-chinese-cangjie ibus-table-chinese-cantonese ibus-table-chinese-easy ibus-table-chinese-erbi ibus-table-chinese-jyutping ibus-table-chinese-quick ibus-table-chinese-scj ibus-table-chinese-stroke5 ibus-table-chinese-wu ibus-table-chinese-wubi-haifeng ibus-table-chinese-wubi-jidian ibus-table-chinese-yong

- Update ibus-table-chinese.spec: Drop the is_opensuse macro to eliminate
  in behavior in between SLE-15 and openSUSE Leap.

==== inxi ====
Version update (3.0.38 -> 3.1.00)

- Update to version 3.1.00:
  * See /usr/share/doc/packages/inxi/inxi.changelog

==== lightsoff ====
Version update (3.34.0 -> 3.36.0)
Subpackages: lightsoff-lang

- Update to version 3.36.0:
  + Updated help.
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 3.35.90:
  + Updated help.
  + Updated translations.

==== nautilus ====
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-nautilus libnautilus-extension1 nautilus-lang

- Apply set_trusted.desktop and in spec to both SLE
  and Leap (jsc#SLE-11853).

==== polari ====
Version update (3.34.1 -> 3.36.1)
Subpackages: polari-lang typelib-1_0-Polari-1_0

- Update to version 3.36.1:
  + Misc. cleanups.
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 3.36.0:
  + Fix URL previews in flatpak.
  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
- Update to version 3.35.92:
  + help: Update logo.
  + Updated translations.
- Drop polari-appdata-screenshotfix.patch: Patch was only needed
  for stable branch.
- Update to version 3.35.91:
  + Fix launching help.
  + Update keyboard shortcuts dialog.
  + Updated translations.

==== python-pexpect ====
Version update (4.3.1 -> 4.8.0)

- update to 4.8.0
  * Returned behavior of searchwindowsize to that in 4.3 and earlier
  * Fixed a bug truncating before attribute after a timeout
  * Fixed a bug where a search could be less than searchwindowsize
    if it was increased between calls
  * Minor test cleanups to improve portability
  * Disable chaining of timeout and EOF exceptions
  * Several doc updates.
- Disable test test_pager_as_cat as it pulls additional deps
- Disable test_large_stdout_stream as it randomly fails
- Add missing builddep on setuptools
- Update to 4.7.0:
  * The :meth:`.pxssh.login` method now no longer requires a username if an ssh config is provided and will raise an error if neither are provided. (:ghpull:`562`).
  * The :meth:`.pxssh.login` method now supports providing your own ssh command via the cmd parameter. (:ghpull:`528`) (:ghpull:`563`).
  * :class:`.pxssh` now supports the use_poll parameter which is passed into :meth:`.pexpect.spawn` (:ghpull:`542`).
  * Minor bug fix with ssh_config. (:ghpull:`498`).
  * :meth:`.replwrap.run_command` now has async support via an async_ parameter. (:ghpull:`501`).
  * :meth:`.pexpect.spawn` will now read additional bytes if able up to a buffer limit. (:ghpull:`304`).
- Drop merged patch fix-test.patch
- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
- Add fix-test.patch to make tests pass with SLE-12-SP4's openssl (bsc#1107105)
- update to version 4.6.0:
  * The pxssh.login() method now supports an ssh_config parameter,
    which can be used to specify a file path to an SSH config file (PR
  * Improved compatability for the crlf parameter of PopenSpawn (PR
  * Fixed an issue in read timeout handling when using spawn and
    fdspawn with the use_poll parameter (PR #492).
- Fix typo and make sure the tests will pass
- specfile:
  * enable tests
- update to version 4.5.0:
  * spawn and fdspawn now have a use_poll parameter. If this is True,
    they will use select.poll() instead of poll()
    allows file descriptors above 1024, but it must be explicitly
    enabled due to compatibility concerns (PR #474).
  * The pxssh.login() method has several new and changed options:
    + The option password_regex allows changing the password prompt
    regex, for servers that include password: in a banner before
    reaching a prompt (PR #468).
    + login() now allows for setting up SSH tunnels to be requested
    once logged in to the remote server. This option is ssh_tunnels
    (PR #473). The structure should be like this:
    'local': ['2424:localhost:22'],   # Local SSH tunnels
    'remote': ['2525:localhost:22'],  # Remote SSH tunnels
    'dynamic': [8888],                # Dynamic/SOCKS tunnels
    + The option spawn_local_ssh=False allows subsequent logins from
    the remote session and treats the session as if it was local (PR
    + Setting sync_original_prompt=False will prevent changing the
    prompt to something unique, in case the remote server is
    sensitive to new lines at login (PR #468).
    + If ssh_key=True is passed, the SSH client forces forwarding the
    authentication agent to the remote server instead of providing a
    key (PR #473).
- specfile:
  * update copyright year
- update to version 4.4.0:
  * PopenSpawn now has a preexec_fn parameter, like spawn and
    subprocess.Popen, for a function to be called in the child process
    before executing the new command. Like in Popen, this works only
    in POSIX, and can cause issues if your application also uses
    threads (PR #460).
  * Significant performance improvements when processing large amounts
    of data (PR #464).
  * Ensure that spawn.closed gets set by close(), and improve an
    example for passing SIGWINCH through to a child process (PR #466).

==== python-py ====
Version update (1.5.2 -> 1.8.1)

- Update to 1.8.1:
  - Handle ``FileNotFoundError`` when trying to import pathlib in
    ``path.common`` on Python 3.4 (#207).
  - ``py.path.local.samefile`` now works correctly in Python 3 on
    Windows when dealing with symlinks.
- Switch to multibuild to avoid cycle bsc#1138666
- Update to 1.8.0:
  * add ``"importlib"`` pyimport mode for python3.5+, allowing unimportable test suites
    to contain identically named modules.
  * fix ``LocalPath.as_cwd()`` not calling ``os.chdir()`` with ``None``, when
    being invoked from a non-existing directory.
- Drop merged patch separators.patch
- Make tests never fail as they are borked on pytest-4 with
  most probably no intention of being ever fixed
- Make tests really pass on pytest 3.x series
- Add patch to operate better with serparators (from upstream git):
  * separators.patch
- Drop the doc subpackage, no need for it really
- Make sure the tests are realy executed
- update to 1.7.0
  * use ``shutil.get_terminal_size()`` in Python 3.3+ to determine the size of the
  terminal, which produces more accurate results than the previous method.
  * introduce new ``PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH`` environment variable
  that suppresses ``ImportMismatchError`` exceptions when set to ``1``.
  * add ``TerminalWriter.width_of_current_line`` (i18n version of
  ``TerminalWriter.chars_on_current_line``), a read-only property
  that tracks how wide the current line is, attempting to take
  into account international characters in the calculation.
- update to 1.5.4
  * don't make assumptions about fs case sensitivity in ``make_numbered_dir``.
- update to version 1.5.3
  * - fix #179: ensure we can support 'from py.error import ...'

==== python-requests ====

- Switch off test_https_warnings test (bsc#1170175)

==== vlc ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: libvlc5 libvlccore9 vlc-codec-gstreamer vlc-lang vlc-noX vlc-qt vlc-vdpau

- Update to version
  + Misc: Properly bump the version in
- Changes from version
  + Misc: Fix VLSub returning 401 for earch request.
- Changes from version 3.0.9:
  + Core: Work around busy looping when playing an invalid item
    through VLM.
  + Access:
  * Multiple dvdread and dvdnav crashs fixes
  * Fixed DVD glitches on clip change
  * Fixed dvdread commands/data sequence inversion in some cases causing
    unwanted glitches
  * Better handling of authored as corrupted DVD
  * Added libsmb2 support for SMB2/3 shares
  + Demux:
  * Fix TTML entities not passed to decoder
  * Fixed some WebVTT styling tags being not applied
  * Misc raw H264/HEVC frame rate fixes
  * Fix adaptive regression on TS format change (mostly HLS)
  * Fixed MP4 regression with twos/sowt PCM audio
  * Fixed some MP4 raw quicktime and ms-PCM audio
  * Fixed MP4 interlacing handling
  * Multiple adaptive stack (DASH/HLS/Smooth) fixes
  * Enabled Live seeking for HLS
  * Fixed seeking in some cases for HLS
  * Improved Live playback for Smooth and DASH
  * Fixed adaptive unwanted end of stream in some cases
  * Faster adaptive start and new buffering control options
  + Packetizers:
  * Fixes H264/HEVC incomplete draining in some cases
  * packetizer_helper: Fix potential trailing junk on last packet
  * Added missing drain in packetizers that was causing missing
    last frame or audio
  * Improved check to prevent fLAC synchronization drops
  + Decoder:
  * avcodec: revector video decoder to fix incomplete drain
  * spudec: implemented palette updates, fixing missing subtitles
    on some DVD
  * Fixed WebVTT CSS styling not being applied on Windows/macOS
  * Fixed Hebrew teletext pages support in zvbi
  * Fixed Dav1d aborting decoding on corrupted picture
  * Extract and display of all CEA708 subtitles
  * Update libfaad to 2.9.1
  * Add DXVA support for VP9 Profile 2 (10 bits)
  * Mediacodec aspect ratio with Amazon devices
  + Audio output:
  * Added support for iOS audiounit audio above 48KHz
  * Added support for amem audio up to 384KHz
  + Video output:
  * Fix for opengl glitches in some drivers
  * Fix GMA950 opengl support on macOS
  * YUV to RGB StretchRect fixes with NVIDIA drivers
  * Use libpacebo new tone mapping desaturation algorithm
  + Text renderer:
  * Fix crashes on macOS with SSA/ASS subtitles containing emoji
  * Fixed unwanted growing background in Freetype rendering and Y padding
  + Mux: Fixed some YUV mappings
  + Service Discovery: Update libmicrodns to 0.1.2.
  + Misc:
  * Update YouTube, SoundCloud and Vocaroo scripts: this restores
    playback of YouTube URLs.
  * Add missing .wpl & .zpl file associations on Windows
  * Improved chromecast audio quality
  + Updated translations.
- Drop patches that have been merged upstream:
  D    0001-Fix-leaking-AvahiServiceResolver-in-the-error-paths.patch
  D    0002-Add-Avahi-implementation-for-chromecast-renderer-dis.patch
  D    reproducible.patch
- Make package build reproducible:
  * Add reproducible.patch to normalize created tarballs
  * Create %ghost file with fixed size
- Add patch to fix missing include with Qt 5.15:
  * fix-missing-includes-with-qt-5.15.patch
- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libudev) instead of libudev-devel: Allow
  OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors.
- Port away from obsolete OpenCV C API, fixes build with OpenCV 3.4.9,
  add 0001-Port-OpenCV-facedetect-example-to-C-API.patch
- Move OpenCV plugins to subpackage, as libopencv has a quite large
- Remove __DATE__/__TIME__ workaround, current GCC respects
- Use %make_build macro in order to provide verbose output.
- Add conditional pkgconfig(libmfx) BuildRequires: Build with Intel
  Media SDK support.
- Update to version 3.0.8 'vetinari':
  + Fix stuttering for low framerate videos
  + Improve adaptive streaming
  + Improve audio output for external audio devices on macOS/iOS
  + Fix hardware acceleration with Direct3D11 for some AMD drivers
  + Fix WebVTT subtitles rendering
  + Vetinari is a major release changing a lot in the media engine of VLC.
    It is one of the largest release we've ever done.
    Notably, it:
  - activates hardware decoding on all platforms, of H.264 & H.265, 8 & 10bits,
    allowing 4K60 or even 8K decoding with little CPU consumption,
  - merges all the code from the mobile ports into the same codebase with
    common numbering and releases,
  - supports 360 video and 3D audio, and prepares for VR content,
  - supports direct HDR and HDR tone-mapping,
  - updates the audio passthrough for HD Audio codecs,
  - allows browsing of local network drives like SMB, FTP, SFTP, NFS...
  - stores the passwords securely,
  - brings a new subtitle rendering engine, supporting ComplexTextLayout
    and font fallback to support multiple languages and fonts,
  - supports ChromeCast with the new renderer framework,
  - adds support for numerous new formats and codecs, including WebVTT,
    AV1, TTML, HQX, 708, Cineform, and many more,
  - improves Bluray support with Java menus, aka BD-J,
  - updates the macOS interface with major cleaning and improvements,
  - support HiDPI UI on Windows, with the switch to Qt5,
  - prepares the experimental support for Wayland on Linux, and
    switches to OpenGL by default on Linux.
  + Security fixes included:
  * Fix a buffer overflow in the MKV demuxer (CVE-2019-14970)
  * Fix a read buffer overflow in the avcodec decoder (CVE-2019-13962)
  * Fix a read buffer overflow in the FAAD decoder
  * Fix a read buffer overflow in the OGG demuxer (CVE-2019-14437, CVE-2019-14438)
  * Fix a read buffer overflow in the ASF demuxer (CVE-2019-14776)
  * Fix a use after free in the MKV demuxer (CVE-2019-14777, CVE-2019-14778)
  * Fix a use after free in the ASF demuxer (CVE-2019-14533)
  * Fix a couple of integer underflows in the MP4 demuxer (CVE-2019-13602)
  * Fix a null dereference in the dvdnav demuxer
  * Fix a null dereference in the ASF demuxer (CVE-2019-14534)
  * Fix a null dereference in the AVI demuxer
  * Fix a division by zero in the CAF demuxer (CVE-2019-14498)
  * Fix a division by zero in the ASF demuxer (CVE-2019-14535)
- Drop vlc-CVE-2019-13962.patch, vlc-CVE-2019-13602_1.patch and
  vlc-CVE-2019-13602_2.patch: fixed upstream.
- Disbale mod-plug for the time being: libmodplug 0.8.9 is not yet
- Disable SDL_image (SDL 1.2) based codec. It is only a wrapper around some
  image loading libraries (libpng, libjpeg, ...) which are either wrapped
  by vlc itself ( or via libavcodec (

==== xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin ====
Version update (2.4.3 -> 2.4.4)
Subpackages: xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-lang

- Update to 2.4.4
  * Fixed search delay. (bxo#16731)
  * Translation updates