Packages changed:
  libreoffice ( ->
  python-ldap3 (2.7 -> 2.6.1)

=== Details ===

==== libreoffice ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: libreoffice-base libreoffice-base-drivers-firebird libreoffice-branding-upstream libreoffice-calc libreoffice-draw libreoffice-filters-optional libreoffice-gnome libreoffice-gtk3 libreoffice-icon-themes libreoffice-impress libreoffice-l10n-ar libreoffice-l10n-bg libreoffice-l10n-bs libreoffice-l10n-ca libreoffice-l10n-cs libreoffice-l10n-da libreoffice-l10n-de libreoffice-l10n-el libreoffice-l10n-en libreoffice-l10n-en_GB libreoffice-l10n-eo libreoffice-l10n-es libreoffice-l10n-et libreoffice-l10n-fa libreoffice-l10n-fi libreoffice-l10n-fr libreoffice-l10n-hu libreoffice-l10n-id libreoffice-l10n-it libreoffice-l10n-ja libreoffice-l10n-ko libreoffice-l10n-lt libreoffice-l10n-nb libreoffice-l10n-nl libreoffice-l10n-pl libreoffice-l10n-pt_BR libreoffice-l10n-ru libreoffice-l10n-sk libreoffice-l10n-sl libreoffice-l10n-sv libreoffice-l10n-uk libreoffice-l10n-zh_CN libreoffice-l10n-zh_TW libreoffice-mailmerge libreoffice-math libreoffice-pyuno libreoffice-qt5 libreoffice-writer libreofficekit

- Update to
  * 6.4.4 release
- Remove merged patch bsc1160687-1.diff
- Fix bsc#1160687 - LO-L3: Elements on title page mixed up
  * bsc1160687-1.diff
  * bsc1160687-2.diff
  * bsc1160687-3.diff
  * bsc1160687-4.diff
  * bsc1160687-5.diff
  * bsc1160687-6.diff
  * bsc1160687-7.diff
  * bsc1160687-8.diff
- Fix bsc#1165870 - LO-L3: Image shadow that should be invisible shown as extraneous line below
  * bsc1165870.diff
- Update to bsc#1171997 CVE-2020-12801:
  * 6.4.3 RC2 release
- Drop merged patch adapt-o3tl-span-to-removal-of-std-span-cbegin-et-al.patch
- Add replace-boost-bimap-in-sdext-pdfimport.patch and
  in order to fix boo#1167463.
- Add poppler-0.86.patch: fix the build with poppler 0.86.

==== open-vm-tools ====
Subpackages: libvmtools0 open-vm-tools-desktop

- VMware has now asked that in updating to 11.1.0 (build 16036546) (boo#1171764)
  to hold off on producing the open-vm-tools-sdmp service discovery plugin
  (boo#1171765) for all SUSE versions due to the plugin's dependency on
  netstat.  Once they have removed the netstat dependency we will need to go
  through the ECO process to get the plugin added.
- While updating to 11.1.0 (build 16036546) (boo#1171764) hold off on
  producing the open-vm-tools-sdmp (boo#1171765 Service Discover plugin)
  until it has gone through the ECO process.  Once approved, will resubmit
  to include the plugin.

==== python-ldap3 ====
Version update (2.7 -> 2.6.1)

- Replace %fdupes -s with plain %fdupes; hardlinks are better.
- Update to 2.6.1:
  - added eDirectory 9.1.4 (EDIR_9_1_4) to offline schemas
  - added json converter for timedelta (thanks dirkjanm)
  - strip parameter defaults to False in utils.dn.parse_dn()
  - escaped space is allowed as trailing character in attribute_value in utils.dn.parse_dn() (thanks phi1010)
  - connection.extend.standard.paged_search doesn't raise exceptions when raise_exceptions is False
  - the Search operation returns the entries fetched by the server when size or time limits are reached even if raise_exceptions is set to True
  - Handle the minimum value that can be stored in an Int64 in format_ad_timedelta (thanks mprahl)
  - EntryState: `entry_raw_attributes` is populated instead of `raw_attributes` (thanks Christian)
  - Removed restriction to perform rename and move simultaneously in modify_dn (thanks Fabian)
  - fixed checking for hexdigits in parse_dn (thanks Michael)
  - fixed escaping when multiple backslashes are present in parse_dn (thanks Phillip)
  - fixed multiple NoneType exceptions in entry_to_json() (thanks David and cfelder)
  - allowing Microsoft specific syntax (<WKGUID=xxx>) for WellKnownObjects in DN (thanks David)
  - connection.extend.standard.paged_search() now follows referrals when auto_referrals=True (thanks kprativa)
  - fixed a bug in decoding replica list in connection.extend.novell.list_replicas()
  - fixed a bug when adding duplicate alias in CaseInsensitiveWithAliasDict()
  - added ignore_duplicates=False in set_aliases in CaseInsensitiveWithAliasDict() to ignore a duplicate alias (either in aliases or in keys)
  - Schema info now uses CaseInsensitiveWithAlias dict as default so object and attributes can also be referentiated with OID (thanks ahoffm11)
  - added block mode and timeout parameters to next() method of persistent_search
  - when using the pyasn1 decoder raw_dn is not returned as a pyasn1 object anymore but as bytes
  - Return offset timezone aware datetime for max AD timestamp (thanks Jussi)
- update to version 2.6
  [#] 2.6 - 2019.03.24
  - fixed empty file in 2.5.2 package
  - explicitly declare digest module md5 in util.ntlm (thanks adawalli)
  - change object passed to modify() was unexpectedly mutated (thanks John)
  - added LDAPInfoError exception
  - added Server.has_control(control) method to check if a server has a specific control
  - added Server.has_extension(extension) method to check if a server has a specific extension
  - added Server.has_feature(feature) method to check if a server has a specific feature
  - fixed checking of \\ in safe_dn (thanks Maxim)
  - fixed uuid checking with 5c byte value
  - added single=True parameter to the ServerPool object definition. Servers state is shared between connections using the same pool
  - updated copyright notice
- Use the actual upstream distributed archive
- update to version 2.5.2
  [#] 2.5.2 - 2018.12.28
  - when starting tls before binding the connection is automatically open
  - fixed changelog date (thanks Adam)
  - support for AD timedeltas (thanks mprahl)
  - fixed WhoAmI in mock strategies (thanks mprahl)
  - prevent unnecessary exception in extend/standard/ModifyPassword (thanks Johnny)
  - added support for external gssapi credentials to be passed to the sasl connection (thanks Firstyear)
  - added support for gssapi store in sasl connection (thanks clhendrick)
  - fixed LdifProducer (thanks antoinell)
  - fixed NTLM bind (thanks ribx)
  - server state in ServerPool is now a namedtuple "ServerState" (thanks Krisztian)
  - fixed error when adding member to AD group with unsafe DN (thanks Maxim)
  - properly restore lazy status in reusable strategy (thanks Krisztian)
  - ServerState namedtuple converted to class in core/pooling (thanks Krisztian)
  - empty schema doesn't raise exception in Abstraction Layer (thanks ghost)
  [#] 2.5.1 - 2018.08.01
  - connection.result is populated when exception raised with raise_exceptions=True
  - fixed objectSid in mocking strategies
  - fixed circular reference in exception history
  - added objectSid validator
  - byte values are properly searched in MOCK strategies (thanks dyj216)
  - exception history refactored (thanks Tamas)
  - connections in context manager don't bind anymore when auto_bind is set to AUTO_BIND_NONE (Thanks Tim)
  - Cython compatible build (thanks Pedro)
  - more detailed exception message in Mock strategy (thanks Janne)
  - exceptions flow refactored in reusable strategy (thanks kxt)
  - pwdlastset accept any positive integer (thanks abenbecker)
  - fixed an exception while logging packet with pyasn1 decoder
  - fixed importing abc from collections for Python 3.8
- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
- Use real URL, not some inventive lies
- update to version 2.5
  * abstract layer now handles auxiliary classes
  * pwdLAstSet in AD is valid for 0 and -1 (thanks Taylor)
  * fixed extend.novell.get_universal_password (thanks Fernando)
  * entryUUID is properly validated in search filters (thanks FriedrichI)
  * custom attribute formatters are properly applied when parsing the search filter
  * REUSABLE strategy now honours credentials when changed in the original connection (thanks Prof Hase)
  * add operation doesn't change passed attribute dict anymore (thanks Daniele)
  * missing entry's attribute return False when searching instead of raising an exception (thanks Maxsond)
  * fixed ad_timestamp evaluation for integers (thanks Flynn)
  * wrong exception raised when user name is empty in simple binding (thanks Ivan)
  * exception is raised if size limit is exceed when searchin in mocking strategies with raise_exceptions=True (thanks David)
  * fixed validator for novell guid
  * fixed validator for openldap EntryUUID
  * fixed validator for AD objectGUID, now follows MS-DTYP
  * fixed formatter for AD objectGUID
  * fixed exception when adding binary values (thanks guidow)
  * added escape_rdn_chars() to ldap3.utils.dn for safe checking untrusted input while building DNs (thanks Alex)
  * fixed search for binary values in mock strategies
  * fixed exception with unicode chars in subfilters for python 2 (thanks Friedrich)
  * connection.extend.paged_search() doens't miss the last entries anymore when size limit is exceeded for the search on the server (thanks Friedrich)
  * validators are not applied when loading data from json dump in Mock strategies (thanks Derek)
  * additional validator to check for erroneous bytes to string conversion in Python 3 (thanks Brian)
  * additional formatter and validator to check for generalizedtime with 0 year (thanks Brian)
  * fixed AD dir_sync extended operation (thanks Lucas)
  * ad_unlock_account works properly (thanks Francowxu)
  * added Microsoft security descriptor control (thanks Dirk-jan)
  * fixed search in mock strategies when raise_exceptions=True (thanks Derek)
  * formatters never raise exceptions but returns the raw_value when unable to format
  * fixed comtrols duplication in paged search (thanks Dirk-jan)
- Reenable testsuite
  * Pass || : as some of the tests fail with UNKNOWN-EDIR this means
    the testsuite needs localy running ldap server to communicate with
    as such it does not make sense to fix those FAILED (errors=39)
- update to version 2.4.1
  * tested against pyasn1 from version 0.1.8 up to version 0.4.2, Python 2.6.6, Python 2.7.14, Python 3.6.4
  * auto_encode parameter is honored when binding (thanks jkolo)
  * fixed organizationalName definition in oid (thanks mingulov)
  * automatic byte to int conversion working again (thanks Brian)
  * mock connection searchs correctly escape filters (thanks kiddick)
  * fixed bind with not unicode characters in Python 2 (thanks jkolo)
  * extended filter attributes should work again with pyasn1 0.4.1 (thanks Dirk-jan)
  * fixed error when reading incomplete server info
  * NOT keyword properly handled in dit_content_rules (thanks Michael)
  * operational attributes are prorerly returned in Cursor whit get_operational_attributes = True (thanks a23s4a)
  * start_tls() is properly executed with AD when raise_exceptions=True (thanks Andrew)
  * reopening a Connection honours auto_bind setting (thanks calken)
  * an attribute returned with no value from a flaky server doesn't raise exception anymore (thanks Terrence)
  * pwdLastSet in AD is valid only for -1 (thanks Thane)
  * fixed docs for ldifProducer (thanks lhoekenga)
  * fixed monkeypatching of pyasn1 for Boolean Value in BER encoding (thanks tmarlok88)
  * check_names was not honoured while validating attribute values (thanks ymcymc)
  * locks refactored in Connection and in Async strategy
  * socket properly closed when checking availability of an invalid server
  * security fix in the rebind() method of the Connection object (thanks Daniel)
  * fix for Sasl credentials in Python 3 (thanks Busuwe)
  * fixed bug when checking for equality in MockBase
  * added validator parameter to Server object for custom validators
  * attribute values are now validated in add/compare/modify operations in the Connection object
  * Python types can now be used in add/compare/modify operations
  * compatible with the pyasn1 library from version 0.1.8 up to latest (0.3.3 for now) version
  * fixed compatibility with Twisted on Windows on Python 2.7 (thanks Pmisik)
  * fixed paged_search behaviour in Reader object
  * fixed regression in MockBase (thanks Markus)
  * fixed invalid filter sequence in MockBase (thanks SignedBit)
  * added compatibility with Cython (thanks Pedro)
  * fixed auto_encode check in validate_attribute_value for unknown attrs (thanks CFelder)
  * don't encode response_value as extended_response_to_dict expects a decoded value (thanks Matthias)
  * compatible with the pyasn1 library from version 0.1.8 up to latest (0.3.7 for now) version
  * added LDAPObjectDereferenceError exception
  * LDAPObjectDereferenceError is raised when an object tries to dereference itself in the Abstraction Layer (thanks Daniele)
  * async module renamed to asynchronous for compatibility with Python 3.7 (thank Barry)
  * long integer are properly checked in mocking strategies (thanks gregn610)
  * NUMERIC_TYPES includes long for Python 2
- update to version 2.3:
  * compatible with the pyasn1 library from version 0.1.8 up to latest
    (0.3.1 for now) version
  * MockAsync strategy is available
  * added __ne__ method to Attribute in abstraction layer (thank
  * added LDAPUserNameIsMandatoryError exception in simple bind when
    user name is empty
  * search referrals are properly decoded with fast decoder
  * paged search works in mock strategies
  * paged_search in extend.standard namespace raises an exception of
    class LDAPOperationResult if the search returns an error
  * search_paged() method of Cursor object now return the whole list
    of entries if generator=False
  * updated docs for defaults parameters (thanks Guarnacciaa)
  * fixed mockBase for integer matching (thanks Jijo)
  * boolean values are now uppercase in LDIF (thanks Linus)
  * fixed timeout in ssl connection on Linux and Mac (thanks Allan)
  * changed some internal functions to private in ldap3.utils.dn
  * operational attribute entryDN is properly managed in Mock
    strategies (thanks Mark)
  * new rdn in renamed entry is properly set in Mock strategies
    (thanks Mark)
  * metrics are now updated for Mock strategies, except that for
    received bytes (thanks joehy)
  * better managing of missing schema from the server (thanks Deborah)
  * fixed error while schema is not in string format (thanks
  * SNI support added when the underlying python library allows it
    (thanks Edmund)
  * added pool_keepalive parameter to Connection object for REUSABLE
  * returns False when
    change is not successful (thanks Ashley)
  * added validators for uuid and uuid_le
  * fixed error while searching for bytes
  * fixed pickling and unpickling of datetime values (thanks David)
  * fixed error that resulted in valid generalizedTime strings not
    being parsed (thanks Busuwe)
  * fixed error with modify operation on referrals (thanks Busuwe)
  * fixed error in mockBase add_entry() with raw rdn (thanks Chad)
  * fixed error when stdin has not encoding in (thanks
  * fixed error when optional field are not present in pyasn1 requests
    (thanks Ilya)
  * added DEFAULT_SERVER_ENCODING config parameter, should always be
  * DEFAULT_ENCODING config parameter renamed to
  * ADDITIONAL_ENCODINGS config parameter renamed to
  * additional encodings are applied to all data received from the
  * additional encodings are not applied to client data
  * added from_server=False parameter to to_unicode() to not try
    client encoding while decoding data from server
- Update to version 2.2.4
  - leading and trailing spaces in server name don't raise exception anymore
  - DitContentRule is properly read from the schema
  - added validator for Active Directory timestamp
  - Mock strategies raise an exception if a non-bytes value is added to the schema when no offline schema is provided (str and int are automatically converted)
  - added custom_validators property to Mock strategies
  - modifying objectClass with bytes values doesn't raise an exception anymore (but it may fail anyway because of server constraints)
  - ensure that config sequence parameters are properly set
  - allow case insensitive attribute and class names in config parameters
  - added server.schema.is_valid() to check if the schema is available
  - empty schema properties are set to empty dict() instead of None
  - schema definitions with traling and leading spaces are now properly parsed and don't raise an LDAPSchemaError exception anymore
  - fixed error when flaky servers (OpenLDAP) don't return the correct response with StartTls
- Update to version 2.2.3
  - abstraction layer query converts int values to string (thanks dgadmin)
  - CaseInsensitiveDictWithAlias doesn't raise an exception anymore if alias is set multiple times to the same key
  - friendly names in AttrDef are properly managed when performing commits in Writer cursors
  - no more errors when server returns an empty schema (thanks Glen)
  - range attributes in entries are properly recognized when auto_range is False
  - fixed random errors in auto_range searches (thanks James)
  - fixed checking of malformed schema
  - added configuration parameter IGNORE_MALFORMED_SCHEMA to not raise exception for servers that don't follow the LDAP RFCs (defaults to False)
  - test config moved to test/
  - testcase_id generated randomly for each test
  - added ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED_FROM_OBJECT_DEF parmeter to exclude some attribute from automatic populate of ObjectDef in Abstract Layer (helpful for AD)
  - added IGNORED_MANDATORY_ATTRIBUTES_IN_OBJECT_DEF parmeter to exclude some attribute from mandatory attribute list in ObjectDef in Abstract Layer (helpful for AD)
  - fixed error when using implicit assigning in WritableEntry
  - added LDAPInvalidValueError Exception
  - in Python 3 byte filter are converted to unicode before parsing
  - to_unicode(value, encoding=None, additional_encodings=False) now checks for additional encoodings in ADDITIONAL_ENCODINGS list if additional_encoding is set to True
  - Reusable strategy uses not lazy Restartable connections
  . Reusable strategy doesn't keep requesting the schema
  - connection pool size in Reusable strategy defaults to 5
  - optimized usage of configuration parameters
- Update to version 2.2.2
  - PLAIN mechanism added to SASL authentication (thanks Janusz)
  - added RESULT_RESERVED return code (thanks Rak)
  - added RESPONSE_DN_ENCODING in config for flaky servers that return non utf-8 encoded DN. Set it to a list of encoding to sequentially try for decodign DNs.
  - removed StopIteration in generators (deprecated by PEP 479)
  - fixed a bug when converting AD datetimes on Windows systems
  - added compatibility with pyasn1 0.2.3
  - fixed NTLM authentication with pyasn1 0.2.3
  - fixed an error when installing via executable on Windows (thanks TrumSteven)
  - added 'raw_dn' key in search response dictionary. It contains the DN byte value returned for DN by the server
  - attributes with ";binary" tag can now be retrieved in abstraction layer with the usual entry.atttribute syntax
  - updated tests for OpenLDAP
  - fixed error when in add/remove extend operation for case mismatch in user or group dn
  - integer validator now automatically convert valid string numbers to int
  - invalid timezone are checked when validating Generalized Time Format
  - added test cases for validators
- Implement single-spec version
- Build version 2.2.1
  - 2.2.1 2017.02.12
  - tested against pyasn1 0.2.2 (thanks Ilya)
  - get_response() has an optional new parameter "get_request" to return the request too, helpful in asynchronous strategies
  - connection.request, connection.response and connection result are now properly blanked in async strategies
  - ldap3.utils.dn.safe_dn() now checks for AD names only if no equal sign is present in the dn
  - abstraction layer properly works with asynchronous strategies
  - added a named tuple "Operation" used to store the request, result and response of an LDAP operation in Cursor history
  - cursors in the Abstraction Layer keep history of executed LDAP operations for the last Cursor operation in the cursor.operation property
  - Cursors in the Abstraction Layer keep history of errors for the last Cursor operation in the cursor.errors property
  - if any error has occurred in the last operation of a Cursor the cursor.failed property is set to True
  - added a named tuple "Operation" for storing request, result and response of an LDAP operation in Cursor history
  - Cursor honours raise_exception parameter of the Connection.
  - Cursor commit() return True if operations are successful and False if not. All pending commits are executed even if some fail
  - new entries that have no additional mandatory attributes other those defined in dn are properly managed in Writers (thanks Matt)
  - CaseInsensitiveDict now properly strips blanks from keys
  - updated hashing alghoritm SHA to SHA1 (thanks Satoh)
  - added match_dn(dn) to Cursor for matching entries with specified text in DN
  - added match(attributes, value) for matching entries with specified value in one or more attribute values. It checks values and raw_values
  - Cursors have simple match capability. When key is a string Cursor tries to match it against the DN of entries found.
  - 2.2.0 2017.01.16
  - tested againsts Python 3.6.0, Python 2.7.13 and Python 2.6.6
  - updated docs regarding search response attributes (thanks James)
  - fixed LDIF representation for operation_to_ldif (thanks m7four)
  - fixed rebind for pooled connections
  - fixed custom sort order in LDIF representation of entry
  - added Active Directory GUID syntax for safe_dn() (thanks dinhngtu)
  - added pre-post read control (thanks Elizabeth)
  - added add_members_to_groups in microsoft.extend namespace for Active Directory
  - added remove_members_to_groups in microsoft.extend namespace for Active Directory
  - refactored internal and extend.novell structures
  - fixed auto_escape for extended characters (thanks asand3r)
  - validators now transform the Python value to a valid LDAP value when appropriate (thanks Sjd-Risca)
  - added validator for boolean types
  - added validator for date types
  - fixed representation of binary data in Abstraction Layer for Python 2
  - added auto_encode parameter to Connection object (defaults to True)
  - limited auto_escape feature only to filter values
  - escape_filter_chars doens't try anymore to guess if the value is already escaped.
  - added ldap3.conv.is_filter_safe() (thanks Robert)
  - added auto_escape parameter to to override connection auto_escape behaviour (defaults to None)
  - auto_escape is not applied to filter value if already escaped
  - automatically encode output to stdout encoding for repr() and str() (for printing and logging attributes values).
  - binary data are converted to a hex values string in repr() and str() (for printing and logging attributes values).
  - auto_encoding is performed only for well known attribute types that use Unicode format in LDAP
  - CLASSES_EXCLUDED_FROM_CHECK and ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED_FROM_CHECK moved to ldap3.utils.config and made available via get_config_parameter()
  - added UTF8_ENCODED_SYNTAXES in ldap3.config.utils and made available via get_config_parameter()
  - added UTF8_ENCODED_TYPES in ldap3.config.utils and made available via get_config_parameter()
  - config parameters made available only via get_config_parameters()
  - removed to_bytes() and check_escape() from ldap3.utils.conv (ambiguous functions)
  - added connection.request to MockSync (thanks Fabian)
  - tags are properly managed in add, compare and modify requests (thanks guidow)
  - in Mock strategies single-valued attributes are properly managed
  - in Mock strategies attributes type names are properly managed
  - implemented extended operation machinery in MockBase
  - implemented WhoAmI [RFC4532] in Mock strategies
  - implemented GetBindDn [NOVELL] in Mock strategies
  - implemented operational attributes machinery in MockBase
  - implemented entryDN [RFC5020] operational attribute in MockBase
  - Sphinx updated to 1.5.1
  - 2.1.1 2016.11.18
  - Mock strategy uses case insensitive matching when appropriate
  - fixed error when adding a virtual attribute in the abstract Entry object
  - fixed error messages in Entry moving and renaming
  - Reverted default connection strategy to SYNC (thanks Mauro)
  - Fixed tutorials (thanks Mauro)
  - Fixed checking of schema in ObjectDef (thanks Pierre)
  - Fixed checking of stdin in config (thanks Oleg)
  - fixed commit of entry with async strategies
  - fixed reading of entries in async strategies
  - added cipher argument to Tls (thanks Nicolas)
  - fixed bug when using the abstraction layer with lazy connections
  - fixed case matching while adding new entry in Writer cursor (thanks t0neg)
  - disabled auto_escape for byte values
  - fixed auto_escape for python 2
  - fixed tutorials (thanks Ivano)
  - 2.1.0 2016.11.03
  - changed default Connection strategy from SYNC to RESTARTABLE
  - enable automatic escaping of assertion values
  - fixed decoding error with check_name=False
  - added auto_escape parameter in connection, for trying automatic filter and attribute values escape
  - fixed checking of schema in MockBase
  - SASLBindInProgress doesn't raise an exception anymore with raise_exceptions=True
  - standard formatters are applied in mocking strategies when serching for exact match
  - 2.0.9 2016.10.28
  - removed sanitization of DN in bind operation because some servers accept non standard DN for Simple Bind
  - 2.0.8 2016.10.28
  - included referral caching (thanks TWAC)
  - 2.0.7 2016.10.27
  - changed signature of ldap3.abstract.Reader object
  - removed search_size_limit(), search_time_limit() and search_types_only in the Reader cursor
  - fixed SASL in progress error (thanks Styleex)
  - fixed ALL_ATTRIBUTES in MOCK_SYNC strategy (thanks Belgarion)
  - ncorrect attribute type error message now includes the name of the attribute (Thanks Andrej)
  - relaxed dn checking for Active Directory UserPrincipalName
  - relaxed dn checking for Active Directory SamAccountName
  - added checking of attribute name in add, compare and search operations
  - added checking of class name in add operation
  - renamed exception LDAPTypeError to LDAPAttributeError
  - in sync strategies LDAP operations populate the last_error attribute of the connection in case of not RESULT_SUCCESS
  - connection.return_empty_attributes defaults to True
  - escaped filter by default
  - fixed escaping of filter
  - add move and rename to abstraction layer entry
  - ldap3 namespace decluttered
  - RESULT_CODES moved to ldap3.core.results
  - compatability constants removed
  - exceptions removed from ldap3 namespace, defined in ldap3.core.exceptions only
  - ADDRESS_INFO_REFRESH_TIME is now configurable via set_config_parameter
  - Operational attribute prefix set to 'OA_'
  - Allows cert and key file in the same file (thanks Jan-Philip)
  - Removed logging info when logging is disabled (thanks Dan)
  - Updated copyright notice
  - Refactored abstraction layer with full support for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) abstract operations
  - Added WritableEntry and WritableAttribute to abstraction layer
  - Added standard validators for attribute types and syntaxes defined in the standard LDAP schema
  - Added custom validators for attribute values
  - Added update capability to abstraction layer
  - Fixed typo in docs (thanks Gerardwx)
  - Fixed Object and Attribute representation in schema (superior class not shown)
  - ObjectDef automatically populates attributes from schema, following object_class hierarchy
  - Added attributes parameter to search* methods of Cursor, so that only needed attributes are read even if attr_defs defines more
  - Fixed connect_timeout not honored while wrapping socket in tls (thanks Kyle)
  - Added 'set' to SEQUENCE_TYPES (thanks Christian)
  - Entries returned by search are now writable via the abstraction layer
  - LDAPReaderError exception renamed to LDAPCursorError
  - auto_range parameter in Connection defaults to True (thanks Ashley)
  - get_info defaults to SCHEMA while defining Server object
  - Included ordereddict 1.1 (# Copyright (c) 2009 Raymond Hettinger) in ldap3.utils.ordDict for backporting OrderedDict in Python 2.6
  - Added config parameter RESET_AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT to reinsert invalid address in candidate_addresses while checking connection, defaults to 5 seconds
  - Fixed inability to connect to a server if the connection starts when the server is unavailable and then it becomes available again
  - All DNs are sanitized if connection.check_names is True
  - LDAPControlsError exception renamed to LDAPControlError
  - LDAPChangesError exception renamed to LDAPChangeError
  - The following older constants in ldap3 have been removed, please use the suggested ones:
- Update to version 1.4.0
  - upstream does not provide a changelog
- Fix source-url
- Specfile cleanup
- Fix License string to confirm with
- Initial packaging (version