If the shell escape is enabled or \directlua
is available,
this package may also be used to query the LC_ALL
environment variable (see
§6). Windows users, who don’t have the locale
stored in environment variables, can use texosquery
in combination with tracklang. (Similarly if LC_ALL
don’t contain sufficient information.) In order to
use texosquery through the restricted shell escape, you must
have at least Java 8 and set up texosquery.cfg
appropriately. (See the texosquery manual for further details.)
The fundamental aim of this generic package is to be able to effectively say:
The user (that is, the document author) wants to use dialectsNaturally, this is only of use if the locale-sensitive packages use tracklang to pick up this information, which is entirely up to the package authors, but at the moment there’s no standard method for packages to detect the required language and region. The aim of tracklang is to provide that method. In particular, the emphasis is on using ISO language and region codes rather than hard-coding the various language labels used by different language packages.xx-XX
, etc in their document. Any packages used by their document that provide multilingual or region-dependent support should do whatever is required to activate the settings for those languages and regions (or warn the user that there’s no support).
Related articles: “Localisation of TeX documents: tracklang.” TUGboat, Volume 37 (2016), No. 3, Localisation with tracklang.tex, and tracklang FAQ.
List of Tables[link]
1. Introduction[link]
When I’m developing a package that provides multilingual support (for example, glossaries) it’s cumbersome trying to work out if the user has requested translations for fixed text. This usually involves checking if babel or translator or polyglossia has been loaded and, if so, what language settings have been used. The result can be a tangled mass of conditional code. The alternative is to tell users to add the language as a document class option, which they may or may not want to do, or to tell them to supply the language settings to every package they load that provides multilingual support, which users are even less likely to want to do.
The tracklang package tries to neaten this up by working out as much of this information as possible for you and providing a command that iterates through the loaded languages. This way, you can just iterate through the list of tracked languages and, for each language, either define the translations or warn the user that there’s no translation for that language.
As from version 1.6.4, tracklang now checks for
babel’s \LocaleForEach
and, if defined, will
use that command to iterate over all languages that have currently
been loaded either via package option or using \babelprovide
Note that “lazy loading” a language via \selectlanguage
in the document is too late for tracklang to detect.
If polyglossia is loaded, tracklang will check if
is defined and, if so, will iterate over that
list. Older versions of babel and polyglossia that lack
these convenient commands are much harder for tracklang to
work with.
The tracklang package works fairly well with translator but will additionally assume the root language was also requested when a dialect is specified. So, for example,
is equivalent to\usepackage
This means that\usepackage
will iterate
through the list “english,british” instead of just
“british”, which can result in some redundancy.
If any document class or package options are passed to tracklang, then tracklang won’t bother checking for known language packages. So, if the above example is changed to:
then the dialect list will just consist of “british” rather than “english,british”. This does, however, mean that if the user mixes class and package options, only the class options will be detected. For example:\documentclass
In this case, only the british option will be detected. The user can therefore use the document class option (or tracklang package option) to override the dialect and set the country code (where provided). For example:\documentclass
This sets the dialect to mexicanspanish and the root language to spanish.\documentclass
Predefined dialects are listed in Tables 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3. These may be
passed in the document class options or
used in \TrackPredefinedDialect
, as illustrated above.
§2 provides brief examples of use for those who want a general overview before reading the more detailed sections. §3 describes generic commands for identifying the document languages. §5 is for package writers who want to add multilingual support to their package and need to know which settings the user has requested through language packages like babel. §6 is for developers of language definition packages who want to help other package writers to detect what languages have been requested.
ISO Tag | Dialect Label | ISO Tag | Dialect Label |
cy-GB | GBwelsh | de-AT | austrian |
de-AT-1996 | naustrian | de-BE | belgiangerman |
de-CH | swissgerman | de-CH-1996 | nswissgerman |
de-DE | germanDE | de-DE-1996 | ngermanDE |
en-AU | australian | en-CA | canadian |
en-GB | british | en-GG | guernseyenglish |
en-IE | IEenglish | en-IM | isleofmanenglish |
en-JE | jerseyenglish | en-MT | maltaenglish |
en-NZ | newzealand | en-US | american |
es-AR | argentinespanish | es-BO | bolivianspanish |
es-CL | chilianspanish | es-CO | columbianspanish |
es-CR | costaricanspanish | es-CU | cubanspanish |
es-DO | dominicanspanish | es-EC | ecudorianspanish |
es-ES | spainspanish | es-GT | guatemalanspanish |
es-HN | honduranspanish | es-MX | mexicanspanish |
es-NI | nicaraguanspanish | es-PA | panamaspanish |
es-PE | peruvianspanish | es-PR | puertoricospanish |
es-PY | paraguayspanish | es-SV | elsalvadorspanish |
es-UY | uruguayspanish | es-VE | venezuelanspanish |
fr-BE | belgique | fr-CA | canadien |
fr-CH | swissfrench | fr-FR | france |
fr-GG | guernseyfrench | fr-JE | jerseyfrench |
ga-GB | GBirish | ga-IE | IEirish |
gd-GB | GBscottish | hr-HR | croatia |
hu-HU | hungarian | id-IN | bahasa |
it-CH | swissitalian | it-HR | istriacountyitalian |
it-IT | italy | it-SI | sloveneistriaitalian |
it-SM | sanmarino | it-VA | vatican |
ms-MY | malay | mt-MT | maltamaltese |
nl-BE | flemish | nl-NL | netherlands |
pt-BR | brazilian | pt-PT | portugal |
rm-CH | swissromansh | sl-SI | slovenia |
Other combinations need to be set with \TrackLocale
or \TrackLanguageTag |
abkhaz (ab) | afar (aa) | afrikaans (af) |
akan (ak) | albanian (sq) | amharic† (am-ET) |
anglosaxon (ang) | apache (apa) | arabic (ar) |
aragonese† (an-ES) | armenian (hy) | assamese (as) |
asturian (ast) | avaric (av) | avestan (ae) |
aymara (ay) | azerbaijani (az) | bahasai† (id-IN) |
bahasam† (ms-MY) | bambara† (bm-ML) | bashkir (ba) |
basque (eu) | belarusian (be) | bengali (bn) |
berber (ber) | bihari (bh) | bislama† (bi-VU) |
bokmal† (nb-NO) | bosnian (bs) | breton† (br-FR) |
bulgarian (bg) | burmese (my) | catalan (ca) |
chamorro (ch) | chechen (ce) | chichewa (ny) |
chinese (zh) | churchslavonic (cu) | chuvash† (cv-RU) |
coptic (cop) | cornish† (kw-GB) | corsican (co) |
cree (cr) | croatian (hr) | czech (cs) |
danish (da) | divehi† (dv-MV) | dutch (nl) |
dzongkha† (dz-BT) | easternpunjabi† (pa-IN) | english (en) |
esperanto (eo) | estonian (et) | ewe (ee) |
faroese (fo) | farsi (fa) | fijian† (fj-FJ) |
finnish (fi) | french (fr) | friulan† (fur-IT) |
fula (ff) | galician (gl) | ganda† (lg-UG) |
georgian (ka) | german (de) | greek (el) |
guarani (gn) | gujarati (gu) | haitian† (ht-HT) |
hausa (ha) | hebrew (he) | herero (hz) |
hindi (hi) | hirimotu† (ho-PG) | icelandic† (is-IS) |
ido (io) | igbo (ig) | interlingua (ia) |
interlingue (ie) | inuktitut (iu) | inupiaq (ik) |
irish (ga) | italian (it) | japanese (ja) |
javanese (jv) | kalaallisut (kl) | kannada† (kn-IN) |
kanuri (kr) | kashmiri† (ks-IN) | kazakh (kk) |
khmer (km) | kikuyu (ki) | kinyarwanda (rw) |
kirundi (rn) | komi† (kv-RU) | kongo (kg) |
korean (ko) | kurdish (ku) | kwanyama (kj) |
kyrgyz (ky) | lao (lo) | latin (la) |
latvian (lv) | limburgish (li) | lingala (ln) |
lithuanian (lt) | lsorbian† (dsb-DE) | lubakatanga† (lu-CD) |
luxembourgish (lb) | macedonian (mk) | magyar (hu) |
malagasy (mg) | malayalam† (ml-IN) | maltese (mt) |
manx† (gv-IM) | maori† (mi-NZ) | marathi† (mr-IN) |
marshallese† (mh-MH) | mongolian (mn) | nauruan† (na-NR) |
navajo† (nv-US) | ndonga (ng) | nepali (ne) |
nko (nqo) | norsk (no) | northernndebele (nd) |
northernsotho (nso) | nuosu† (ii-CN) | nynorsk† (nn-NO) |
occitan (oc) | ojibwe (oj) | oriya (or) |
oromo (om) | ossetian (os) | pali (pi) |
pashto (ps) | piedmontese† (pms-IT) | polish (pl) |
portuges (pt) | quechua (qu) | romanian (ro) |
romansh† (rm-CH) | russian (ru) | samin (se) |
samoan (sm) | sango (sg) | sanskrit (sa) |
sardinian† (sc-IT) | scots (sco) | scottish (gd) |
serbian (sr) | shona (sn) | sindhi (sd) |
sinhalese† (si-LK) | slovak (sk) | slovene (sl) |
somali (so) | southernndebele† (nr-ZA) | southernsotho (st) |
spanish (es) | sudanese (su) | swahili (sw) |
swati (ss) | swedish (sv) | syriac (syr) |
tagalog† (tl-PH) | tahitian† (ty-PF) | tai (tai) |
tajik (tg) | tamil (ta) | tatar (tt) |
telugu† (te-IN) | thai† (th-TH) | tibetan (bo) |
tigrinya (ti) | tonga† (to-TO) | tsonga (ts) |
tswana (tn) | turkish (tr) | turkmen (tk) |
twi† (tw-GH) | ukrainian† (uk-UA) | undetermined (und) |
urdu (ur) | usorbian† (hsb-DE) | uyghur† (ug-CN) |
uzbek (uz) | venda† (ve-ZA) | vietnamese (vi) |
volapuk (vo) | walloon (wa) | welsh (cy) |
westernfrisian† (fy-NL) | wolof (wo) | xhosa (xh) |
yiddish (yi) | yoruba (yo) | zhuang† (za-CN) |
zulu (zu) |
acadian (fr) | american† (en-US) | argentinespanish† (es-AR) |
australian† (en-AU) | austrian† (de-AT) | bahasa† (id-IN) |
belgiangerman† (de-BE) | belgique† (fr-BE) | bolivianspanish† (es-BO) |
brazil† (pt-BR) | brazilian† (pt-BR) | british† (en-GB) |
canadian† (en-CA) | canadien† (fr-CA) | chilianspanish† (es-CL) |
columbianspanish† (es-CO) | costaricanspanish† (es-CR) | croatia† (hr-HR) |
cubanspanish† (es-CU) | cymraeg (cy) | deutsch (de) |
dominicanspanish† (es-DO) | ecudorianspanish† (es-EC) | elsalvadorspanish† (es-SV) |
flemish† (nl-BE) | francais (fr) | france† (fr-FR) |
frenchb (fr) | friulano† (fur-IT) | friulian† (fur-IT) |
furlan† (fur-IT) | gaeilge (ga) | gaelic (gd) |
galicien (gl) | GBirish† (ga-GB) | GBscottish† (gd-GB) |
GBwelsh† (cy-GB) | germanb (de) | germanDE† (de-DE) |
guatemalanspanish† (es-GT) | guernseyenglish† (en-GG / british) | guernseyfrench† (fr-GG) |
honduranspanish† (es-HN) | hungarian† (hu-HU) | IEenglish† (en-IE / british) |
IEirish† (ga-IE) | indon† (id-IN) | indonesian† (id-IN) |
isleofmanenglish† (en-IM / british) | istriacountycroatian† (hr-HR) | istriacountyitalian† (it-HR) |
italy† (it-IT) | jerseyenglish† (en-JE / british) | jerseyfrench† (fr-JE) |
kurmanji (ku) | latein (la) | lowersorbian† (dsb-DE) |
malay† (ms-MY) | maltaenglish† (en-MT / british) | maltamaltese† (mt-MT) |
mexicanspanish† (es-MX) | meyalu† (ms-MY) | naustrian† (de-AT-1996) |
nbelgiangerman† (de-BE-1996 / ngerman) | netherlands† (nl-NL) | newzealand† (en-NZ) |
ngerman (de-1996) | ngermanb (de-1996 / ngerman) | ngermanDE† (de-DE-1996 / ngerman) |
nicaraguanspanish† (es-NI) | nil (und) | norwegian† (no-NO) |
nswissgerman† (de-CH-1996 / ngerman) | panamaspanish† (es-PA) | paraguayspanish† (es-PY) |
persian (fa) | peruvianspanish† (es-PE) | piemonteis† (pms-IT) |
polutoniko (el) | polutonikogreek (el) | portugal† (pt-PT) |
portuguese (pt) | puertoricospanish† (es-PR) | romanche (rm-CH) |
romansch (rm-CH) | rumantsch (rm-CH) | russianb (ru) |
sanmarino† (it-SM) | serbianc (sr-Cyrl) | serbianl (sr-Latn) |
sloveneistriaitalian† (it-SI) | sloveneistriaslovenian† (sl-SI / slovenian) | slovenia† (sl-SI / slovenian) |
slovenian (sl) | spainspanish† (es-ES) | swissfrench† (fr-CH) |
swissgerman† (de-CH) | swissitalian† (it-CH) | swissromansh† (rm-CH) |
UKenglish† (en-GB) | ukraine† (uk-UA) | ukraineb† (uk-UA) |
uppersorbian† (hsb-DE) | uruguayspanish† (es-UY) | USenglish† (en-US) |
valencian (ca) | valencien (ca) | vatican† (it-VA) |
venezuelanspanish† (es-VE) |
2. Summary of Use[link]
There are three levels of use:
- 1.document level (code used by document authors);
- 2.locale-sensitive package level
(code for package authors who need to
know what languages or locale the document is
using, such as glossaries to translate commands like
or datetime2 to provide localised formats or time zone information); - 3.language set-up level (code for packages that set up the document languages, such as babel or polyglossia).
2.1. Document Level[link]
Document level use can be divided into generic TeX use (§2.1.1) and LaTeX-specific use (§2.1.2).
2.1.1. Generic TeX[link]
This section is for generic TeX use. The tracklang files are
loaded with \input
. See §2.1.2 for LaTeX use.
A Unix-like user wants the locale information picked up from the locale environment variable (the tex extension may be omitted):
tracklang.tex % v1.3\TrackLangFromEnv
% load packages that use tracklang for localisation
A Windows user wants the locale information picked up from the operating system (again the tex extension may be omitted):
Or (texosquery v1.2)\input
tracklang.tex % v1.3\TrackLangFromEnv
% load packages that use tracklang for localisation
A Unix-like user who may or may not have texosquery setup to run in the shell escape:\input
texosquery.tex % v1.2\input
tracklang.tex % v1.3\TeXOSQueryLangTag
} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
tracklang.tex % v1.3\ifx
% load packages that use tracklang for localisation
A user is writing in Italy in Armenian with a Latin script (Latn) and the arevela variant:
tracklang.tex % v1.3\TrackLanguageTag
{hy-Latn-IT-arevela} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
A user is writing in English in the UK:
{british} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
Find out information about the current language (supplied
in \languagename
Additional information about the script can be obtained by also loading tracklang-scripts:\SetCurrentTrackedDialect
} Dialect:\CurrentTrackedDialect
. Language:\CurrentTrackedLanguage
. ISO Code:\CurrentTrackedIsoCode
. Region:\CurrentTrackedRegion
. Modifier:\CurrentTrackedDialectModifier
. Variant:\CurrentTrackedDialectVariant
. Script:\CurrentTrackedDialectScript
. Sub-Lang:\CurrentTrackedDialectSubLang
. Additional:\CurrentTrackedDialectAdditional
. Language Tag:\CurrentTrackedLanguageTag
The name, numeric code and direction can now be obtained:
Name:Test for a specific script (in this case Latn):\TrackLangScriptAlphaToName
}. Numeric:\TrackLangScriptAlphaToNumeric
}. Direction:\TrackLangScriptAlphaToDir
2.1.2. LaTeX[link]
This section is for LaTeX use. See §2.1.1 for generic TeX use.
With newer versions of polyglossia, where \xpg@bcp@loaded
is defined, you just need to make sure the languages are set before
tracklang is loaded:
For older versions of polyglossia where the regional information is required, use recognised class options:\documentclass
[variant=uk]{english} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
[variant=uk]{english} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
For babel users where the supplied babel dialect label is sufficient, and is passed either through the document class or package options, there’s no need to do anything special:
With tracklang v1.6.4+ there is now a check for\documentclass
{babel} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
, which allows tracklang to pick up locales
set with \babelprovide
. For example:
{canadianfrench} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
If the region is important but there’s no babel dialect that represents it, there are several options. The first method is to use the class options recognised by tracklang and the root language labels when loading babel:
[english,irish]{babel} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
Another method with babel is to use \TrackLanguageTag
and map the new
dialect label to the nearest matching \captions
This ensures that the\documentclass
{tracklang}% v1.3\TrackLanguageTag
[UKenglish]{babel} % load packages that use tracklang for localisation
hook is detected
by the localisation packages. This mapping isn’t needed
for polyglossia as the caption hooks use the root language
label. This mapping also isn’t needed if british is used
instead of UKenglish since the en-MT
predefined dialect automatically sets up a mapping to
british. (The default mappings are shown in
Table 1.3.)
2.2. Locale-Sensitive Packages[link]
Let’s suppose you are developing a package called mypackage.sty or mypackage.tex and you want to find out what languages the document author has requested. (See also: Using tracklang.tex in Packages with Localisation Features.)
Generic TeX use (the tex extension may be omitted):
(Most of the commands used in this section require at least
tracklang version 1.3 but 1.4 is better if you want to
include the script tag in the ldf files.)
Note that tracklang.tex has a check to determine if
it’s already been loaded, so you don’t need to worry about that.
LaTeX use:
{tracklang}[2019/11/30]% at least v1.4
This will picked up any language options supplied in the document
class options and will also detect if babel or
polyglossia have been loaded.
(LaTeX) If you want to allow the user to set the locale in the package options:
This means the user can do, say,\DeclareOption
With at least version 1.4, it’s better to use \TrackIfKnownLanguage
}% {% successful\PackageInfo
{mypackage}{Tracking language `\CurrentOption
'}% }% {% failed\PackageError
{mypackage}% {Unknown language specification `\CurrentOption
'}% {You need to supply either a known dialect label or a valid language tag}% }% }
with more appropriate LaTeX commands.
If you want to fetch the locale information from the operating system when the user hasn’t requested a language:
{} {% fetch locale information from the operating system\ifx
% texosquery v1.2 not available\TrackLangFromEnv
% texosquery v1.2 available\TeXOSQueryLangTag
Set up the defaults if necessary:
Now load the resource files:
}% }% } {}% no tracked languages, default already set up
Each resource file has the naming scheme -.ldf.
In this example, the is mypackage. The
part may be the language or dialect label (for
example, english or british) or a combination of the
ISO language and region codes (for example, en-GB or
en or GB). As from version 1.4,
may also include the script or variant. (See the definition of
below for further
The simplest scheme is to use the root language label (not the dialect label) for the base language settings and use the ISO codes for regional support.
For example, the file mypackage-english.ldf:
% identify this file:This sets up appropriate the\TrackLangProvidesResource
{english}[2016/10/06 v1.0]\TrackLangAddToCaptions
{Bar}% }
hook (if it’s
found). For other hooks, such as \date
, use
or \TrackLangRedefHook
With pre-v1.4 versions of tracklang, the script isn’t included
in the file search. If it’s needed then either require at least v1.4
or have a base ldf file that tries to load a version for the
particular script (which can be accessed with
Here’s an example for a language with different writing systems.
The resource file for Serbian mypackage-serbian.ldf:
% identify file:The file mypackage-serbian-Latn.ldf sets up the Latin script (Latn):\TrackLangProvidesResource
{serbian}[2016/10/06 v1.0]\TrackLangRequestResource
} {}% file not found, do something sensible here
The file mypackage-serbian-Cyrl.ldf sets up the Cyrillic script (Cyrl):\TrackLangProvidesResource
{serbian-Latn}[2016/10/06 v1.0]\TrackLangAddToCaptions
{...}% provide appropriate Latin translations\def
{...}% }
With v1.4+ you just need mypackage-sr-Latn.ldf and mypackage-sr-Cyrl.ldf for the regionless versions.\TrackLangProvidesResource
{serbian-Cyrl}[2016/10/06 v1.0]\TrackLangAddToCaptions
{...}% provide appropriate Cyrillic translations\def
{...}% }
2.3. Language Packages[link]
Let’s suppose now you’re the developer of a package that sets up the language, hyphenation patterns and so on. It would be really helpful to the locale-sensitive packages in §2.2 to know what languages the document author has requested. You can use the tracklang package to identify this information by tracking the requested localisation, so that other packages can have a consistent way of querying it. (See also: Integrating tracklang.tex into Language Packages.)
Generic use:
Alternative LaTeX use:
{tracklang}[2019/11/30]% v1.4
Unlike \input
, \RequirePackage
will allow tracklang
to pick up the document class options, but using \RequirePackage
will also trigger the tests for known language packages.
(If you want to find out if tracklang has already been
loaded and locales have already been tracked, you can use the
same code as in the previous section.)
When a user requests a particular language through your package,
the simplest way of letting tracklang know about it
is to use \TrackPredefinedDialect
or \TrackLanguageTag
For example, if the user requests british, that’s a
predefined dialect so you can just do:
If your package uses caption hooks, then you can set up
a mapping between tracklang’s internal dialect label
and your caption label. For example, let’s suppose the
closest match to English used in Malta (en-MT) is the
dialect UKenglish (for example, the date format is
similar between GB and MT):
(The predefined maltaenglish option provided by tracklang automatically sets the mapping to british, but the above method will change that mapping to UKenglish.)\TrackLanguageTag
{Contents}% % ... }
This now means that \TrackLangAddToHook
and \TrackLangRedefHook
commands can
find your language hooks. You don’t need the map if your dialect
label is the same as tracklang’s root language label
for that locale. For example:
{Contents}% % ... }
When the user switches language through commands like
it would be useful to also use
to make it easier
for the document author or locale-sensitive packages to pick
up the current locale. The argument may be
tracklang’s internal dialect label or the dialect
label you assigned with \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
{ }\SetTrackedDialectLabelMap
. It
may also be the root language label, in which case
tracklang will search for the last dialect to be
tracked with that language. For example:
See the example in §2.1 or the example in Integrating tracklang.tex into Language Packages.\def
{#1}% % set up hyphenation patterns etc }
3. Generic Use[link]
For plain TeX you can input tracklang.tex:
or for TeX formats that have an argument form for \input
As from version 1.3, you don’t need to change the category
code of @
before loading tracklang.tex
as it will automatically be changed to 11 and switched
back at the end (if required).
The LaTeX package tracklang.sty inputs the generic TeX code in tracklang.tex, but before it does so it defines
{ }{\TrackPredefinedDialect
{ }}
isn’t defined when
tracklang.tex is input, it will be defined to ignore its
This means that all the predefined languages and dialects (Tables 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3) automatically become package options, so the tracklang.sty package can pick up document class options and add them to tracklang’s internal list of tracked document languages.
As from version 1.6.3, the LaTeX package also has options verbose and noverbose to switch on and off verbose mode. As from version 1.6.5, there are also warn and nowarn settings to switch on (default) and off warnings. This means that these options can be picked up if they are used as document class options or passed to tracklang before it’s first loaded.
If you’re not using LaTeX, package options aren’t available
although you can redefine
to use something analogous to \DeclareOption
, if appropriate.
Otherwise, the document languages need
to be explicitly identified (using any of the following commands)
so that tracklang knows about them.
This will add the predefined dialect and its associated ISO codes to the list of tracked document languages. The may be any of those listed in Tables 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3.
For example:
is the Plain TeX alternative to:\input
Note that it’s impractical to define every possible language and region combination as it would significantly slow the time taken to load tracklang so, after version 1.3, I don’t intend adding any new predefined dialects. As from version 1.3, if you want to track a dialect that’s not predefined by tracklang, then you can use:
If is a recognised dialect, this is equivalent to using\TrackPredefinedDialect
, otherwise
needs to be in one the following formats:
where is the ISO 639-1 or 639-2 code identifying
the language (lower case), is the 3166-1
ISO code identifying the territory (upper case) and
is the modifier or variant. The hyphen
) may be replaced by an underscore character
). Code-set information in the
form .
may optionally appear before the
modifier. For example,
(modifier is
new) or en-
(modifier is missing).
The code-set will be ignored if present, but it won’t interfere
with the parsing.
For example:
indicates German in Namibia using the new spelling.\TrackLocale
may be used instead of de
, but ger
won’t be recognised.)
Alternatively, you can use
where is a regular, well-formed language tag or a recognised dialect label. (Irregular grandfather tags aren’t recognised.) Note that the tag must start with a language identifier and can’t simply be a region code (use “und” if the language is unknown). This command will fully expand . A warning is issued if the tag is empty.If you want to first check that
includes a valid language code, then you can instead use: This will only track (and then do ) if starts with a valid language code (or is a predefined dialect) otherwise it will do . Both\TrackLanguageTag
and \TrackIfKnownLanguage
will check if
is a predefined option. (This saves parsing the tag if
it’s recognised.)
For example:
This will track hy-Latn-IT-arevela and brazilian (pt-BR) but not Latn-ME (because it doesn’t contain a valid language code) even though it’s a valid script and country code. The above is just for illustrative purposes. Typically the language tracking isn’t performed within the document text.\TrackLanguageTag
{hy-Latn-IT-arevela} Latn-ME:\TrackIfKnownLanguage
{Latn-ME}{success}{fail}. brazilian:\TrackIfKnownLanguage
The datetime2 package assumes that any unknown package option is a language identifier. It could simply do:
but users can make mistakes sometimes and this won’t provide any helpful information if they, for example, misspelt a package option or forgot the “ part of a =” = setting. Instead (as from v1.5.5) datetime2 now does:\TrackLanguageTag
This will now give the user some guidance.\TrackIfKnownLanguage
} {...}% known language {\PackageError
If 639-3 code for the dialect label. Note that this is different to the root language codes which are set using the language label. For example:
contains a sub-language tag, this will be set as the\TrackLanguageTag
creates a new dialect with the label zhcmnHansCN
The root language chinese has the 639-1 code
zh and the dialect zhcmnHansCN
has the
ISO 639-3 code cmn.
ISO 639-1:\TrackedIsoCodeFromLanguage
{639-1}{chinese}. ISO 639-3:\TrackedIsoCodeFromLanguage
Version 1.2 of texosquery provides the command \TeXOSQueryLangTag
which may be used to fetch the operating system’s regional
information as a language tag. These commands can be used as
(If the shell escape is disabled,\input
tracklang % v1.3\input
texosquery % v1.2\TeXOSQueryLangTag
will be empty, which
will trigger a warning but no errors.)
Some of the predefined root language options listed
in Table 1.2 have an associated region
(denoted by †).
If \TrackLocale
is used with just the language ISO code,
no region is tracked for that language. For example
will track the IM (Isle of Man) ISO 3166-1 code but
won’t track the region.
Similarly for \TrackLanguageTag
(New to version 1.3.)
There’s a similar command to \TrackLocale
that doesn’t take an argument:
available, this will try to get the language information from the
system environment variables LC_ALL
and, if
successful, track that.
Since tracklang is neither able to look up the POSIX locale
tables nor interpret file locales, if the result is C
or starts with a forward slash /
the locale value is treated as empty.
If the operating system locale can’t be obtained from environment variables, then
tracklang will use \TeXOSQueryLocale
as a fallback if
texosquery has been loaded. Since texosquery requires
both the shell escape and the Java runtime environment,
tracklang doesn’t automatically load it.
Plain TeX example:
Document build:\input
etex --shell-escape
LaTeX example:
Document build:\usepackage
pdflatex --shell-escape
If the locale can’t be determined, there will be warning messages. These can be suppressed using
or switched back on again using
For example, I have the environment variable LANG
set to
on my Linux system so instead of
I can use
With LaTeX documents I can do
However, this only helps subsequently loaded packages that use tracklang to determine the required regional settings. For example:\documentclass
In my case, with the\documentclass
environment variable set to
and the
shell escape enabled, this automatically switches on the
en-GB date style.
Naturally this doesn’t help locale-sensitive packages that don’t use
The \TrackLangFromEnv
command also incidentally sets
to the value of the environment variable or empty if the
query was unsuccessful (for example, the shell escape is
If the command:
is already defined before\TrackLangFromEnv
is used, then the
environment variable won’t be queried and the value of
will be parsed instead.
with its usual category code 8, then tries splitting
on a hyphen -
with category code 12, and then tries
splitting on the underscore _
with category code 12.
For example:
This doesn’t perform a shell escape since\def
is already defined. In this case, you may just as well use:
(unless you happen to additionally require the component
commands that are set by \TrackLangFromEnv
, see below.)
If the shell escape is unavailable (for example, your TeX installation prohibits it), you can set this value when you invoke TeX. For example, if the document file is called myDoc.tex (and it’s in Plain TeX):
tex "\\
input myDoc"
The \TrackLangFromEnv
command also happens to store the
component parts of the environment variable value in the
following commands. (These aren’t provided by \TrackLocale
If the information is unavailable, the relevant commands will be set
to empty.
The language code is stored in:
The territory (if present) is stored in:
The code-set (if present) is stored in:
The modifier (if present) is stored in:
If you want to query the language environment, but don’t want to track the result, you can just use:
This only tries to fetch the value of the language environment variable (and use texosquery as a fallback, if it has been loaded). It doesn’t try to parse the result. The result is stored in\TrackLangEnv
(empty if
unsuccessful). Unlike \TrackLangFromEnv
, this doesn’t check if
already exists. A warning will occur if the shell
escape is unavailable. For systems that store the locale information in
environment variables, this is more efficient than using
texosquery’s \TeXOSQueryLocale
command (which is what’s
used as the fallback).
The above queries LC_ALL
and, if that is unsuccessful,
then queries LANG
(before optionally falling back on
texosquery). If you want another environment
variable tried after LC_ALL
and before LANG
you can instead use:
Since this sets \TrackLangEnv
, you can use it before
. For example:
Remember that if you only want to do the shell escape if\TrackLangQueryOtherEnv
hasn’t already been defined, you can test for this
It’s also possible to just parse the value of \TrackLangEnv
without tracking the result using:
but assumes that
has already been set and doesn’t track the
result. The component parts are stored as for \TrackLangFromEnv
Example (Plain TeX):
This produces:\input
. Territory:\TrackLangEnvTerritory
. Codeset:\TrackLangEnvCodeSet
. Modifier:\TrackLangEnvModifier
. Any tracked languages?\AnyTrackedLanguages
Compare this with:
This produces:\input
. Territory:\TrackLangEnvTerritory
. Codeset:\TrackLangEnvCodeSet
. Modifier:\TrackLangEnvModifier
. Any tracked languages?\AnyTrackedLanguages
{Yes}{No}. Tracked dialect(s):%\ForEachTrackedDialect
If \TrackLangFromEnv
doesn’t recognise the given language and
territory combination, it will define a new dialect and add that.
For example, tracklang doesn’t recognise en-BE
, so
the sample document below defines a new dialect labelled
This now produces:\input
. Territory:\TrackLangEnvTerritory
. Codeset:\TrackLangEnvCodeSet
. Modifier:\TrackLangEnvModifier
. Any tracked languages?\AnyTrackedLanguages
{Yes}{No}. Tracked dialect(s):%\ForEachTrackedDialect
4. Supplementary Packages[link]
In addition to the main tracklang.tex file and tracklang.sty LaTeX wrapper, the tracklang package also provides supplementary files for region and script mappings.
This file is only loaded if a mapping is required between numeric and alphabetic region codes. If
encounters a numeric region code, it will automatically input
tracklang-region-codes.tex, if it hasn’t already been input.
This file provides the following commands.
Expands to the numeric code corresponding to the given alpha-2 code or empty if no mapping has been supplied.
Expands to the alpha-2 code corresponding to the given numeric code or empty if no mapping has been supplied.
Expands to if there’s an alpha-2 to numeric region code mapping, otherwise expands to .
Expands to if there’s a numeric to alpha-2 region code mapping, otherwise expands to .
Expands to the numeric code corresponding to the given alpha-3 code or empty if no mapping has been supplied.
Expands to the alpha-3 code corresponding to the given numeric code or empty if no mapping has been supplied.
Expands to if there’s an alpha-3 to numeric region code mapping, otherwise expands to .
Mappings are established with:
Predefined mappings are listed in Table A.1.When tracklang-region-codes.tex is input, it can load additional files that provide supplementary mappings.
This command adds the supplied to the list of extra region code files that should be input by tracklang-region-codes.tex, unless tracklang-region-codes.tex has already been input, in which case will be input straight away.
The tracklang-scripts package provides information about ISO 15924 scripts. The file isn’t automatically loaded. If you want to use any of the commands provided in it you need to input it.
Plain TeX:
There’s a simple wrapper package tracklang-scripts.sty for
LaTeX users:
Defines a mapping. The first argument is the four letter alpha code, such as Latn or Cyrl. The second argument is the numeric code. The third argument is the script’s name, for example “Imperial Aramaic”. The fourth argument is the direction, which may be one of: LR (left-to-right), RL (right-to-left), TB (top-to-bottom), varies or inherited. The argument is for the parent writing system, which may be left blank (currently unsupported).
This command defines:
which expands to for use with\IfTrackedDialectIsScriptCs
See Table A.2 for a summary of all the mappings that are provided by the file tracklang-scripts.tex.
Expands to the numeric code corresponding to the given alpha code or empty if no mapping.
Expands to if there is a known alpha to numeric mapping or otherwise.
Expands to the alpha code corresponding to the given numeric code or empty if no mapping.
Expands to if there is a known numeric to alpha mapping or otherwise.
Expands to the name corresponding to the given alpha code or empty if no mapping.
Expands to the direction corresponding to the given alpha code or empty if no mapping.
Sets the parent for the given alpha code.
Expands to the parent for the given alpha code or empty if no mapping.
Expands to if the given alpha code has a parent or to otherwise. Note that if a parent is explicitly set to empty with
then it will be
considered defined, but if the argument was empty in
, then it will be undefined.
This command adds to the list of extra script files that should be input by tracklang-scripts.tex, unless tracklang-scripts.tex has already been input, in which case will be input straight away.
5. Detecting the User’s Requested Languages[link]
The tracklang package tries to track the loaded languages and the option names used to identify those languages. For want of a better term, the language option names are referred to as dialects even if they’re only a synonym for the language rather than an actual dialect. For example, if the user has requested british, the root language label is english and the dialect is british, whereas if the user requested UKenglish, the root language label is english and the dialect is UKenglish. The exceptions to this are the tracklang package options that have been specified in the form - (listed in Table 1.2). For example, the package option en-GB behaves as though the user requested the package option british.
If \TrackLocale
or \TrackLangFromEnv
are used and the locale
isn’t recognised a new dialect is created with the label formed from
the ISO codes (and modifier, if present).
Similarly for \TrackLanguageTag
a new
dialect is created with a label that’s essentially the language tag
without the hyphen separators. For example,
will add a new dialect with the label\TrackLocale
will add a new dialect with the label\TrackLocale
will add a new dialect with the label xxLatnYY
or \TrackLangFromEnv
find a modifier, the
value will be sanitized to allow it to be used as a label. If the
modifier is set explicitly using \SetTrackedDialectModifier
no sanitization is performed.
In addition to the root language label and the dialect identifier, many of the language options also have corresponding ISO codes. In most cases there is an ISO 639-1 or an ISO 639-2 code (or both), and in some cases there is an ISO 3166-1 code identifying the dialect region. Where a language has different ISO 639-2 (T) and 639-2 (B) codes, the “T” version is assumed.
When the tracklang.sty LaTeX package is loaded, it first attempts to find the language options through the package options supplied to tracklang. This means that any languages that have been supplied in the document class options should get identified (provided that the document class has used the standard option declaration mechanism). If no languages have been supplied in this way, tracklang.sty then attempts to identify language settings in the following order:
- 1.if
is defined (babel), tracklang will use it to iterate over each dialect label and fetch the associated BCP 47 tag; - 2.if
is defined (babel), tracklang will iterate over each label in that command definition; - 3.if
is defined (translator), tracklang will iterate over each label in that command definition; - 4.if ngerman has been loaded, the ngerman dialect
will be tracked;
- 5.if german has been loaded, the german root
language will be tracked;
- 6.if polyglossia has been loaded:
- (a)if
has been defined, tracklang will iterate over the BCP 47 tags in that command definition; - (b)if
has been defined, tracklang will iterate over each language label in that command definition; - (c)tracklang will iterate over all tracklang options and test if the root language has been loaded.
- (a)if
Each identified language and dialect is added to the tracked language and tracked dialect lists. Note that the tracked language and tracked dialect are labels rather than proper nouns. If a dialect label is identical to its root language label, the label will appear in both lists.
You can check whether or not any languages have been detected using:
This will do if one or more languages have been tracked otherwise it will do . (Each detected dialect will automatically have the root language label added to the tracked language list, if it’s not already present.)You can check whether or not any regions have been detected using:
This will do if one or more regions have been tracked otherwise it will do .If you want to find out if any of the tracked dialects matches a particular language tag, you can use:
If successful, the supplied control sequence is set to the dialect label, otherwise is set to empty. The test is for an exact match on the root language, script, sub-language, variant and region. The control sequence will be empty if none of the tracked dialects matches all five of those elements. (If the script isn’t given explicitly, the default for that language is assumed.) In the event that is empty, you can now (as from v1.3.6) get the closest match with: (which is set by\GetTrackedDialectFromLanguageTag
This will be empty if no tracked dialects match on the root
language or if there’s a tracked dialect label that exactly matches
the label formed by concatenating the language code, sub-language,
script, region, modifier and variant.
For example (Plain TeX):
This matches because the territory code 826 is recognised as equivalent to the code GB, and the default script for english is Latn. In this case, the dialect label is british. Note that this doesn’t require the use of\input
{en-826} Has en-Latn-GB been tracked?\GetTrackedDialectFromLanguageTag
Yes! Dialect label:\thisdialect
to track the dialect.
It also works if the dialect has been tracked using other commands,
such as \TrackLocale
Here’s an example that doesn’t have an exact match, but does have a partial match:
In this case the result is:\input
{de-CH-1996} Has de-DE-1996 been tracked?\GetTrackedDialectFromLanguageTag
No match on root language.\else
Closest match:\TrackedDialectClosestSubMatch
Yes! Dialect label:\thisdialect
You can iterate through each tracked dialect using:
At the start of each iteration, this sets the control sequence to the tracked dialect and does .You can iterate through each tracked language using:
At the start of each iteration, this sets the control sequence to the tracked language and does .You can iterate through each tracked region using:
The above for-loops use the same internal mechanism as LaTeX’s
loop. Since this isn’t defined by TeX, a similar command
) will be defined that works in the same way.
The provided control sequence \@nil
. This
special control sequence should never been used as it’s just a
marker and isn’t actually defined. If you get an error message
stating that \@nil
is undefined, then it’s most likely due to a
loop control sequence being used outside the loop. This can occur if
the loop contains code that isn’t expanded until later. For example,
if the loop code includes \AtBeginDocument
, you need to ensure
that the loop control sequence is expanded before being added to the
You can test if a root language has been detected using:
where is the language label. If true, this does otherwise it does .You can test if a particular dialect has been detected using:
where is the dialect label. If the root language was explicitly specified, then it will also be detected as a dialect.For example:
This produces:\documentclass
{english}{has}{hasn't} been specified. ``british''\IfTrackedDialect
{british}{has}{hasn't} been specified. ``flemish''\IfTrackedDialect
{flemish}{has}{hasn't} been specified. ``dutch''\IfTrackedDialect
{dutch}{has}{hasn't} been specified. ``english'' or an English variant\IfTrackedLanguage
{english}{has}{hasn't} been specified.\end{document}
“british’’ has been specified.
“flemish’’ hasn’t been specified.
“dutch’’ has been specified.
“english’’ or an English variant has been specified.
You can find the root language label for a given tracked dialect using:
If hasn’t been defined this does nothing otherwise it expands to the root language label.You can find the tracked dialects from a given root language using:
This will expand to a comma-separated list of dialect labels if the root language label has been defined, otherwise it does nothing.You can test if a language or dialect has a corresponding ISO code using:
where is the type of ISO code (for example, 639-1 for root languages or 3166-1 for regional dialects), and is the language or dialect label. Note that the 639-3 may be set for the dialect rather than root language for sub-languages parsed using\TrackLanguageTag
Alternatively, you can test if a particular ISO code has been defined using:
where is again the type of ISO code (for example, 639-1 or 3166-1), and is the particular code (for example, en for ISO 639-1 or GB for ISO 3166-1).You can fetch the language (or dialect) label associated with a given ISO code using:
This does nothing if the given for the given ISO has not been defined, otherwise it expands a comma-separated list of language or dialect labels.You can fetch the ISO code for a given code type using:
where is the language or dialect label and is the ISO code type (for example, 639-1 or 3166-1). Unlike\TrackedLanguageFromIsoCode
, this
command only expands to a single label rather than a comma-separated
The above commands do nothing in the event of an unknown code or code type, so if you accidentally get the wrong code type, you won’t get an error. If you’re unsure of the code type, you can use the following commands:
This expands to 3166-1 and is used for the two-letter country codes.This expands to 639-1 and is used for the two-letter root language codes.
This expands to 639-2 and is used for the three-letter root language codes.
This expands to 639-3. This code is only used for a root language if there’s no 639-1 or 639-2 code. It may also be used for a dialect if a sub-language part has been set in the language tag parsed by
The \Get…
commands below are designed to be expandable.
If the supplied is unrecognised they expand to empty.
Remember that the dialect must first be identified as a tracked
language for it to be recognised.
As from v1.3, the language tag for a given dialect can be obtained using:
where is the label identifying the dialect. Uses the und (undetermined) code for unknown languages.As from v1.3, each tracked dialect may also have an associated modifier, which can be fetched using:
where is the label identifying the dialect. This value is typically obtained by parsing a POSIX locale identifier with\TrackLocale
or \TrackLangFromEnv
but may be set explicitly.
(See §6 for setting this value. Likewise for
the following commands.)
You can test if a dialect has an associated modifier using:
If the dialect has an associated modifier this does otherwise it does .For example:
This produces:\documentclass
: ``\TrackedIsoCodeFromLanguage
}''). } Dialects:\ForEachTrackedDialect
}% {ISO\TwoLetterIsoCountryCode
: ``\TrackedIsoCodeFromLanguage
}''} {no specific region}; root:\TrackedLanguageFromDialect
}). } Language for ISO\TwoLetterIsoCountryCode
}{GB}. Language for ISO\TwoLetterIsoCountryCode
}{CA}. Country ISO\TwoLetterIsoCountryCode
code for ``canadian'':\TrackedIsoCodeFromLanguage
Dialects: american (ISO 3166-1: “US’’; root: english). british (ISO 3166-1: “GB’’; root: english). canadian (ISO 3166-1: “CA’’; root: english). canadien (ISO 3166-1: “CA’’; root: french). dutch (no specific region; root: dutch). francais (no specific region; root: french).
Language for ISO 3166-1 “GB’’: british.
Language for ISO 3166-1 “CA’’: canadian,canadien.
Country ISO 3166-1 code for “canadian’’: CA.
As from v1.3, each tracked dialect may also have an associated variant, which can be fetched using:
where is the label identifying the dialect. This value is typically obtained by parsing a language tag with\TrackLanguageTag
but may be set explicitly.
You can test if a dialect has an associated variant using:
As from v1.3, each tracked dialect may also have an associated script, which can be fetched using:
where is the label identifying the dialect.You can test if a dialect has an associated script using:
If the dialect has an associated script this does otherwise it does . This information is provided for language packages that need to know what script is required, but there’s no guarantee that the script will actually be set in the document. Similarly for all the other attributes described here.Note that the script should be a recognised four-letter ISO 15924 code, such as Latn or Cyrl. If a dialect doesn’t have an associated script then the default for the root language should be assumed. For example, Latn for English dialects or Cyrl for Russian dialects. The default script for known languages can be obtained using:
Most root languages have a default script, but there are a few without one as it may depend on region, politics or ideology.There’s a convenient expandable command for testing the script:
This tests if the given tracked dialect has an associated script and compares the value with the replacement text of . If the dialect hasn’t been explicitly assigned a script, then test is performed against the default script for the root language.
The supplementary package tracklang-scripts provides some
additional commands relating to writing systems, including commands
in the form \TrackLangScript
is the ISO 15924 four-letter code. If the dialect
doesn’t have an associated script, is done.
This package isn’t
loaded automatically, so you’ll need to explicitly load it. The
generic code is in tracklang-scripts.tex:
There’s a convenient LaTeX wrapper tracklang-scripts.sty:
See §4 for further details of
that package.
For example, the following defines a command to check if the given dialect should use a Latin script:
}{#2}{#3}% }
As from v1.3, each tracked dialect may also have a sub-language identifier (for example, arevela), which can be fetched using:
where is the label identifying the dialect.You can test if a dialect has an associated sub-tag using:
If the dialect has an associated sub-tag this does otherwise it does .As from v1.3, each tracked dialect may also have additional information, which can be fetched using:
where is the label identifying the dialect.You can test if a dialect has additional information using:
If the dialect has additional information this does otherwise it does .Most packages that implement multilingual support have a set of language definition files for each supported language or dialect. It may be that only the root language is needed, if there are no variations between that language’s dialect (for the purposes of that package), or it may be that separate definition files are required for each dialect. However it can be awkward trying to map the requested dialect or language label to the file name. Should, say, the file containing the French code be called -french- or -frenchb- or -francais- ? Should, say, the file containing the British English code be called -british- or -UKenglish- ? If you want to modularise the language support for your package so that each language module has a different maintainer will the maintainers know what tag to use for their language?
To help with this, tracklang provides:
This attempts to find the file called where is determined from (see below). If the file is found then is set to and is done, otherwise is done. If this command is empty, then the dialect hasn’t been detected. If the dialect has been detected, but no file can be found, then\CurrentTrackedTag
is set to the final attempt at determining
Sometimes the dialect label can cause a problem, especially if it happens to be identical to the root label. The solo region code check may also be problematic, so the following analoguous commands are also provided.
but omits the test for the
dialect label. Note that if the dialect label happens to be
identical to the root language label, it will still be checked, but
at the very end instead of near the start.
but omits the test for just the
region code.
Combination of the above two commands. As
but omits the tests for the
dialect label and for just the region code.
There’s a convenient shortcut command new to version 1.3:
which uses\IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
to input the resource
file if found. The prefix is given by -
the suffix is .ldf
. A warning is issued if no resource file
is found. Note that while it makes sense for
to be the same as the base name of the package that uses these
resource files, they don’t have to be the same. This command
additionally defines:
to , which allows the prefix to be picked up by
resource file commands, such as \TrackLangProvidesResource
and \TrackLangRequireResource
. (See below.)
There are analogous commands
As above, but uses\IfTrackedLanguageFileExistsOmitDialectLabel
As above, but uses
As above, but uses
The optional argument
is the code that actually inputs the required file. This defaults to\TrackLangRequireResource
The \IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
command sets up the current
tracked dialect with:
{ }
which enables the following commands that may be used within
or :
Expands to the dialect label.
If the dialect hasn’t been detected, this command will be empty, otherwise it will expand to the root language label (which may be the same as the dialect label).
If the dialect hasn’t been detected, this command will be empty. If the dialect has been assigned an ISO 3166-1 code,
will expand to that code, otherwise it
will be empty.
If the dialect hasn’t been detected, this command will be empty. Otherwise it may be empty or it may expand to the ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 code.
The dialect’s modifier or empty if not set. (This is set but not used in the set of possible values.)
The dialect’s variant or empty if not set.
The dialect’s sub-language code or empty if not set.
The dialect’s additional information or empty if not set.
The dialect’s language tag. Take care not to confuse this with
The dialect’s script. If the dialect doesn’t have the script set, the default script for the language is used instead.
behaves as follows:
- •If no dialect with the given label has been
detected, the condition evaluates to false and
is empty. - •If a dialect with the given label has been detected, then:
- –For each possible in an ordered set of tags determined by
the dialect label (see below), the first file matching
that’s found on
TeX’s path results in the condition evaluating to true and
is set to the current in the set. The rest of the set of possible values of is skipped. - –If no file matching is
found on TeX’s path, then the condition evaluates to false
is set to the final in the set (the language label).
- –For each possible in an ordered set of tags determined by
the dialect label (see below), the first file matching
that’s found on
TeX’s path results in the condition evaluating to true and
The ordered set of possible values of
is determined from the given dialect.\IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
. Note that the set may contain
repetitions (for example, if the dialect label is the same as the
root language label). If an item contains an element that hasn’t
been set (such as the ISO 639-3 code or a sub-language
or variant) then
that item is skipped.
- 1. is just the value of
. - 2. is just the dialect label.
This step is omitted with
. - 3. is
. - 4. is
. - 5. is
(if there’s no script or if the script is the default for the given language).-
(if there’s no script or if the script is the default for the given language). - 6. is
. - 7. is
. - 8. is
. - 9. is just .
- 10. is
. - 11. is
. - 12. is
(if there’s no script or if the script is the default for the given language).-
(if there’s no script or if the script is the default for the given language). - 13. is
. - 14. is
. - 15. is
. - 16. is just .
- 17. is
. - 18. is
. - 19. is
(if there’s no script or if the script is the default for the given language).-
(if there’s no script or if the script is the default for the given language). - 20. is
. - 21. is
. - 22. is
. - 23. is just .
- 24. is just .
This step is omitted with
. - 25. is
if is missing. - 26. is
if is missing. - 27. is
if is missing. - 28. is just the value of
(the root language label).
For example (pre v1.3):
With version 1.3 onwards, this can be written more concisely as:\AnyTrackedLanguages
}% {% % try to load the language file for this dialect\IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
}% {mypackage-}% file prefix {.ldf}% file suffix {\input
.ldf}% file found {% file not found\PackageWarning
{mypackage} {No support for language `\ThisDialect
'}% }% }% } {% no languages detected so use defaults }
which additionally enables the tracklang version 1.3 commands described below, such as\AnyTrackedLanguages
}% {% % try to load the language file for this dialect\TrackLangRequireDialect
}% }% } {% no languages detected so use defaults }
If, for example, \ThisDialect
is british, then the file search will
be in the order:
- 1.mypackage-en-GB.ldf (language tag)
- 2.mypackage-british.ldf (dialect label)
- 3.mypackage-en-Latn-GB.ldf (639-1 language code, script, region)
- 4.mypackage-en-GB.ldf (639-1 language code, region)
- 5.mypackage-en-Latn.ldf (639-1 language code, script)
- 6.mypackage-en.ldf (639-1 language code)
- 7.mypackage-eng-Latn-GB.ldf (639-2 language code, script, region)
- 8.mypackage-eng-GB.ldf (639-2 language code, region)
- 9.mypackage-eng-Latn.ldf (639-2 language code, script)
- 10.mypackage-eng.ldf (639-2 language code)
- 11.mypackage-GB.ldf (region)
- 12.mypackage-english.ldf (language label)
If, for example, \ThisDialect
is naustrian, then the file search will
be in the order:
- 1.mypackage-de-AT-1996.ldf (language tag)
- 2.mypackage-naustrian.ldf (dialect label)
- 3.mypackage-de-Latn-AT.ldf (639-1 language code, script, region)
- 4.mypackage-de-AT.ldf (639-1 language code, region)
- 5.mypackage-de-Latn.ldf (639-1 language code, script)
- 6.mypackage-de.ldf (639-1 language code)
- 7.mypackage-deu-Latn-AT.ldf (639-2 language code, script, region)
- 8.mypackage-deu-AT.ldf (639-2 language code, region)
- 9.mypackage-deu-Latn.ldf (639-2 language code, script)
- 10.mypackage-deu.ldf (639-2 language code)
- 11.mypackage-AT.ldf (region)
- 12.mypackage-de-1996.ldf (639-1 language code, variant)
- 13.mypackage-deu-1996.ldf (639-2 language code,
- 14.mypackage-german.ldf (language label)
If, for example, \ThisDialect
is francais, then the file search will
be in the order:
- 1.mypackage-fr.ldf (language tag)
- 2.mypackage-francais.ldf (dialect label)
- 3.mypackage-fr-Latn.ldf (639-1 language code, script)
- 4.mypackage-fr.ldf (639-1 language code)
- 5.mypackage-fra-Latn.ldf (639-2 language code, script)
- 6.mypackage-fra.ldf (639-2 language code)
- 7.mypackage-french.ldf (language)
is french,
then the file search will be in the order:
- 1.mypackage-fr.ldf (language tag)
- 2.mypackage-french.ldf (dialect label)
- 3.mypackage-fr-Latn.ldf (639-1 language code, script)
- 4.mypackage-fr.ldf (639-1 language code)
- 5.mypackage-fra-Latn.ldf (639-2 language code, script)
- 6.mypackage-fra.ldf (639-2 language code)
- 7.mypackage-french.ldf (language)
If the dialect label is identical to the root language label then it means that all associated information is the default for that language. For example, in the above case of french, the script is Latn and the region is unspecified. The root language label can therefore be used as the fallback in the event of no other match but for the specific case where the dialect is identical to the root language then all unnecessary file name checks can be skipped.
If you’re only providing support for the root languages (pre v1.3):
With version 1.3 onwards, this can be written more concisely as:\AnyTrackedLanguages
}% {% try to load the language file for this root language\IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
}% {mypackage-}% file prefix {.ldf}% file suffix {\input
.ldf}% file found {% file not found\PackageWarning
{mypackage}{No support for language `\ThisLanguage
'}% }% }% } {% no languages detected so use defaults }
which additionally enables the commands described below. Note that in this case, if more than one dialect for the same language has been tracked, only the hooks for the last dialect for that language will be adjusted, so it’s usually best to iterate over the dialects.\AnyTrackedLanguages
}% {% try to load the language file for this root language\TrackLangRequireDialect
}% }% } {% no languages detected so use defaults }
The following \TrackLang…Resource…
commands may
only be used in resource files that are loaded using
. An error will occur if the file is
input through some other method.
Within the resource file -.ldf, you can identify the file using (new to version 1.3):
where is the locale identifier.
If \ProvidesFile
is defined (through the LaTeX kernel) this is
used, otherwise a simplified generic alternative is used that’s
suitable for other TeX formats.
The resource file can load another resource file -.ldf, using (new to version 1.3):
For example, the dialect file foo-en-GB.ldf might need to load the root language resource file foo-english.ldf:% (In file foo-en-GB.ldf) % Declare this regional file:If foo-english.ldf is also identified with\TrackLangProvidesResource
{en-GB} % load root language file foo-english.ldf:\TrackLangRequireResource
, this will ensure that it’s only
loaded once.
It may be that you want to load a file depending on the input
encoding. The inputenc package defines
, but this is only used with pdfLaTeX. To
avoid repeated tests to determine whether or not \inputencodingname
has been defined, you can use:
if \inputencodingname
been defined, otherwise it will expand to \inputencodingname
For example:
.ldf} {% support available for the document encoding } {% no support for the document encoding }
If you require the resource file and want to perform
if it’s loaded at this point or if it’s already been loaded then you can use:If you want to load a resource file if it exists (without an error if it doesn’t exist), then you can use
If the file doesn’t exist, is done.
commands are only
permitted within the resource files. They are internally enabled
through \TrackLangRequireDialect
The above restriction on the resource files loaded through
, and the fact that it internally uses
, means that commands like
or \CurrentTrackedDialect
may be
used in those files. This means that the name of the captions hook
can be obtained through them. (Remember that the file
foo-en-GB.ldf might have been loaded with, say, the
british dialect or with the synonymous UKenglish
dialect or with a dialect label that doesn’t have a corresponding
caption hook, such as enGBLatn.)
The polyglossia package has language caption hooks in the form
(where is the root language
label) whereas babel has dialect captions hooks
in the form \captions
(where is the
dialect label). This leads to a rather
cumbersome set of conditionals:
Note that the above has been simplified through the use of etoolbox commands, which isn’t suitable for generic use. It also doesn’t query the mapping from tracklang’s dialect label to the closest matching babel dialect label.\ifcsundef
} {%\ifcsundef
}% {}% {%\csgappto
}{% % code to append to hook }% }% }% {%\csgappto
}{% % code to append to hook }% } % do code now to initialise
Instead, tracklang provides a command to perform this set of conditionals using generic code:
where is the code to append to the hook. This always performs after testing for the hook in case the hook is undefined or has already been called (for example, ngerman uses\captionsngerman
when the package is loaded, not at the start of
the document).
Note that this command is enabled through
so should only be used inside resource
Since captions is a commonly used hook type, there’s a shortcut command provided:
This is equivalent to\TrackLangAddToHook
{ }{captions}
There may be some hooks, such as \date
, that need
redefining rather than appending to, so there’s an
analogous command:
Note that no expansion is performed on
when appending or redefining a hook.
5.1. Examples[link]
The examples in this section illustrate the above commands.
5.1.1. animals.sty[link]
This example is for a trivial package called animals.sty
that defines three textual commands: \catname
, \dogname
and \ladybirdname
. The default values are: “cat”, “dog” and
The supported languages are defined in files
Here’s the code for animals.sty:
% Example package animals.styHere’s a Plain TeX version that picks up the language from the locale environment variable:\NeedsTeXFormat
{tracklang}[2019/11/30]% v1.4 % Any undeclared options are language settings:\DeclareOption
}% {% successful\PackageInfo
{animals}{Tracking language `\CurrentOption
'}% }% {% failed\PackageError
{animals}% {Unknown language specification `\CurrentOption
'}% {You need to supply either a known dialect label or a valid language tag}% }% }\ProcessOptions
% Default definitions\newcommand
}% }% } {% no tracked languages, default already set up }\endinput
In the event that a user or supplementary package for some reason wants to load a resource file for a language that hasn’t been tracked, it might be worth providing a command for this purpose:\input
% Default definitions\def
}% }% } {% no tracked languages, default already set up }
The loop can then be changed to:\newcommand
{animals}{#1}% }
The animals-english.ldf file valid for both the Plain TeX and LaTeX formats contains:
The animals-en-GB.ldf file contains:\TrackLangProvidesResource
{bishy-barney-bee}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
The animals-en-US.ldf file contains:\TrackLangProvidesResource
{ladybird}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
Here’s a German version in the file animals-german.ldf:\TrackLangProvidesResource
{ladybug}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
afer}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
This means that if babel or polyglossia are loaded, the
redefinitions are automatically performed whenever the language is
changed, but if there’s no caption mechanism the user can switch
the fixed names using the \…animals
Here’s an example LaTeX document that doesn’t have any caption hooks:
Here’s a babel example document:\documentclass
There is some redundancy with the above resource files. Consider the
babel example above. The american dialect is the
first option, so in that case animals-en-US.ldf is loaded
followed by animals-english.ldf. This means that the
hook now includes
includes \englishanimals
, there is
redundant code. However, when the british dialect is
processed, this loads the file animals-en-GB.ldf but not
the file animals-english.ldf (since it’s already been loaded). This
means that \captionsbritish
contains \enGBanimals
but not
If this redundancy is an issue (for example, there are so many redefinitions needed that it significantly slows the document build process), then it can be addressed with the following modifications. The animals-en-GB.ldf file is now:
The animals-en-US.ldf file is now:\TrackLangProvidesResource
{ladybird}% }\TrackLangRequireResourceOrDo
{english}% {\TrackLangAddToCaptions
{ladybird}% }% } {\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} }
This means that the document that has the dialects listed in the order american, british now has\TrackLangProvidesResource
}{ladybug}% }\TrackLangRequireResourceOrDo
{english} {\TrackLangAddToCaptions
}{ladybird}% }% } {\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} }
in the\englishanimals
hook and just \enUSanimals
in the
hook, which has removed most of the redundancy.
Note that polyglossia has a \captionsenglish
hook but not
or \captionsbritish
, so this code doesn’t
allow for switching between variants of the same language with
5.1.2. regions.sty[link]
Earlier, I mentioned the search order for
where if, for example, the dialect
is british, the file search (v1.4+) will be:
- 1.mypackage-en-GB.ldf (language tag)
- 2.mypackage-british.ldf (dialect label)
- 3.mypackage-en-Latn-GB.ldf (639-1 language code, script, region)
- 4.mypackage-en-GB.ldf (639-1 language code, region)
- 5.mypackage-en-Latn.ldf (639-1 language code, script)
- 6.mypackage-en.ldf (639-1 language code)
- 7.mypackage-eng-Latn-GB.ldf (639-2 language code, script, region)
- 8.mypackage-eng-GB.ldf (639-2 language code, region)
- 9.mypackage-eng-Latn.ldf (639-2 language code, script)
- 10.mypackage-eng.ldf (639-2 language code)
- 11.mypackage-GB.ldf (region)
- 12.mypackage-english.ldf (language label)
The reason for including just the country code as the ldf files for every language and region combination, but this would result in a lot redundancy.
in the file search is to allow for region rather than language dependent settings. For example, suppose I want to write a package that needs to know whether to use imperial or metric measurements in the document, but I also want to provide multilingual support. The language alone won’t tell me whether to use imperial or metric (for example, the US uses imperial and the UK uses metric for most product attributes). I could provide
has an optional argument for adjusting
the way the resource files are loaded. Suppose I have
regions-.ldf resource files, then
loads the resource file for the dialect given by\TrackLangRequireDialect
I can use the optional argument to also load the resource file for the root language as well:\TrackLangRequireResource
% custom file loader for regions.styNow the dialect british can load both regions-GB.ldf and regions-english.ldf.\newcommand
}% ]% {regions}{#1}% }
The example package (regions.sty) below illustrates this.
% Example package regions.styThere are separate ldf files for region and language. First are the regions.\NeedsTeXFormat
{tracklang}[2016/10/07]% v1.3+\DeclareOption
}% ]% {regions}{#1}% }\AnyTrackedLanguages
}% } {% no tracked languages, default already set up }\endinput
- •regions-BE.ldf (Belgium):
}{EUR}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} - •regions-CA.ldf (Canada):
}{CAD}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} - •regions-GB.ldf (Great Britain):
}{GBP}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} - •regions-US.ldf (USA):
}{USD}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
- •regions-dutch.ldf:
}{meeteenheden}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} - •regions-english.ldf:
}{units}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} - •regions-french.ldf:
es}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
} - •regions-german.ldf:
einheiten}% }\TrackLangAddToCaptions
Here’s an example document that uses this package:
This works because the † in Table 1.2, as then it will be picked up before the country code.
search looks for the country code before the root language label. However, this will fail if the dialect label is the same as a root language label that has an associated territory, marked withIn the above example, regions-CA.ldf is matched rather than regions-french.ldf, so regions-CA.ldf is loaded by
After this, the language file regions-french.ldf is then loaded:\TrackLangRequireResource
This assumes that there’s a country code ldf file available. This example needs a little modification to use default units in case the region is missing:
% Modified example package regions.styNote that we still have a problem for dialect labels that are identical to root language labels with an associated territory (such as manx). This case can be checked with the following adjustment:\NeedsTeXFormat
{regions} % Pass all options to tracklang.sty:\DeclareOption
}{EUR}% }\newcommand
]% {regions}{#1}% }\AnyTrackedLanguages
% } {% no tracked languages, default already set up }\endinput
In the case where both the dialect and root language label are manx with the resource files regions-manx.ldf and regions-IM.ldf, then\newcommand
]% {regions}{#1}% }
will be
manx (the dialect label) so regions-manx.ldf will
be loaded with:
In this case\TrackLangRequireResource
is IM
(that is, it’s
not empty) so then regions-IM.ldf will be loaded with:
Here’s another document that sets up dialects with
tracklang labels that aren’t recognised by babel.
This means that there’s no corresponding \captions
for either the dialect label or the root language label,
so mappings need to be defined from the tracklang dialect
label to the matching babel dialect label.
This produces:\documentclass
units: kg, mm, EUR.
which produces:\documentclass
units: kg, mm, GBP.
Note that these mappings aren’t needed if babel is loaded with the root language labels instead. For example:
No mapping is required for the en-MT locale as it can pick up\documentclass
when \TrackLangAddToHook
(used by \TrackLangAddToCaptions
queries the root language label after failing to find the
language hook from the dialect label.
Some of the predefined tracklang dialects come with a mapping to the closest matching babel dialect label. For example, the option ngermanDE listed in Table 1.3 automatically provides a mapping to ngerman. Since a tracklang dialect label can only map to one babel label, this can be problematic for synonymous labels such as british/UKenglish or american/USenglish. The default mappings used by tracklang are shown in Table 1.3.
6. Adding Support for Language Tracking[link]
If you are writing a package that sets up the document languages (rather than a package that provides multilingual support if the user has already loaded a language package) then you can load tracklang and use the commands below to help other packages track your provided languages. (See also: Integrating tracklang.tex into Language Packages.)
The tracklang package can be loaded using
or (LaTeX only)
When using LaTeX, there’s a difference between the two. The first case prevents tracklang from picking up the document class options but skips the check for known language packages. This check is redundant since your package is the language package, so you need to decide whether or not to allow the user to set up the localisation information through the document class options.
There’s a hook that, if defined, is performed by tracklang.sty after the package options have been loaded but before known language packages are checked:
If you prefer \RequirePackage
over \input
but you want to make
tracklang.sty skip the check for known
language packages then (as from v1.3.8) define the pre-language
package check hook as follows:
This will still pick up languages supplied through the document class options.\providecommand
{tracklang}[2019/10/06]% v1.3.8+
If you just use \input
, there’s a test at the start of
tracklang.tex to determine if it’s already been loaded, so
you don’t need to worry if the document has already input it.
To integrate tracklang into your language package, you need to consider the following steps:
- 1.Does tracklang define your supported ISO 15924 language
scripts in the tracklang-scripts.tex file?
If yes, then skip this step. Otherwise create a file with the relevant
command for each unknown script and identify this new file with\TrackLangAddExtraScriptFile
(see §6.3). This usually won’t be necessary unless you have a custom script or a child script (a script that’s a sub-category of another script). - 2.Does tracklang recognise the root language?
If yes, then skip this step.
If your package is setting up a language that tracklang doesn’t recognise then you will need to define the root language using
(see §6.5).This usually won’t be the case as tracklang should support all languages that have an official ISO 639-1 alpha-2 code.
If you simply have a different label from tracklang identifying the root language, then you can just set up your label as a dialect using
. - 3.Does tracklang define the relevant ISO 3166-1 region codes
in the tracklang-region-codes.tex file?
If yes, then skip this step. Otherwise create a file with the relevant
command for each new region and identify this new file with\TrackLangAddExtraRegionFile
(see §6.4). This usually won’t be necessary as tracklang should recognise all countries that have an alpha-2 region code, but you may require it if you need a broader region, such as EU. - 4.Do you want to define some convenient dialect labels that can
be used with
?If no, then skip this step. Otherwise you can use
for root languages and\TrackLangProvidePredefinedDialect
for dialects with additional information, such as a region, sub-language or script (see §6.6). - 5.In your language initialisation code, add the tracklang
code to track the particular dialect (for example, use
for recognised dialect labels or use the\AddTracked
set of commands). See §6.1. - 6.In your language selection code (such as
), add\SetCurrentTrackedDialect
{ } to allow the document author to easily query the current localisation settings (such as the region). See §6.2.
6.1. Initialising a New Language or Dialect[link]
When the user requests a particular dialect through your language package, you can notify tracklang of this choice using
{ }
provided the dialect label is recognised by tracklang (all those
listed in Tables 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3).
If there’s no matching dialect predefined by tracklang, you
can just use \TrackLocale
or \TrackLanguageTag
(described in §3)
with the appropriate ISO codes if you’re not providing caption
If you are providing a captions hook mechanism
in the form \captions
, then if
doesn’t match the corresponding tracklang dialect label,
you can provide a mapping using
, described below.
6.2. Switching Language or Dialect[link]
When the document author switches to a different language or dialect, the current localisation information can be set with:
where may the tracklang dialect label, or the mapped label previously set through\SetTrackedDialectLabelMap
described below, or the language label (in which case the
last dialect to be tracked with that root language will
be assumed).
This will make the following commands available which may be of use to other packages:
- •
The dialect label recognised by tracklang (which may not be the same as ). - •
The root language label used by tracklang. - •
The dialect modifier. - •
The dialect variant. - •
The dialect script. Note that if tracklang-scripts is also loaded, this allows the script direction to be accessed using
See §4 for further details.\TrackLangScriptAlphaToDir
} - •
The dialect sub-language code. - •
The dialect’s additional information. - •
The dialect’s root language ISO code. (The first found in the sequence 639-1, 639-2, 639-3.) - •
The dialect’s ISO 3166-1 region code. - •
The dialect’s language tag.
the same information can be picked up using commands
like \GetTrackedDialectScript
, but that’s less convenient,
especially if \languagename
needs to be converted
to . See the accompanying sample file
sample-setlang.tex for an example.)
6.3. Defining New Scripts[link]
The tracklang-scripts.tex file isn’t automatically loaded, but if it is then, as from v1.4, it contains a hook at the end of the file that can be used to load additional files that define supplementary scripts. This entails creating a file called, say, mypackage-scripts.tex that contains:
{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }
The first argument is the four-letter ISO 15924 code (such as
Latn), the second argument is the numeric code (such as
215), the third argument is the name of the script (such
as Latin), the fourth argument is the direction (such as
LR for left-to-right) and the final argument is the parent
script (leave blank if there’s no parent). Note that this command will override any previous
mapping for those codes. No check is performed to determine if they
have already been defined.
The supplementary file should be identified with:
{ }
Additional information can be found in §4.
6.4. Defining New Regions[link]
The tracklang-region-codes.tex file isn’t automatically loaded, but if it is then, as from v1.4, it contains a hook at the end of the file that can be used to load additional files that define supplementary regions. This entails creating a file called, say, mypackage-regions.tex that contains:
{ }{ }{ }
where the first argument is the numeric region code (such as 826),
the second argument is the alpha-2 region code (such as GB
and the third argument is the alpha-3 region code (such as
). Note that this command will override any previous
mapping for those codes. No check is performed to determine if they
have already been defined.
The supplementary file should be identified with:
{ }
Additional information can be found in §4.
6.5. Defining a New Language[link]
(New to version 1.3.) If the root language isn’t recognised by tracklang (not listed in Table 1.2), then it can be defined (but not tracked at this point) using:
where is the root language label, is the ISO 639-1 code for that language (may be empty if there isn’t one), is the ISO 639-2 (T) code for that language (may be empty if there isn’t one), is the ISO 639-2 (B) code for that language (may be empty if it’s the same as ), is the ISO 639-3 code for that language (empty if the same as the 639-2 code), is the territory ISO 3166-1 code for languages that are only spoken in one territory (should be empty if the language is spoken in multiple territories), and is the default script (empty if disputed or varies according to region).You can then track this language using:
for dialects (where is the dialect label and is the root language label) or, if no regional variant is needed, you can instead use: This is equivalent to\AddTrackedDialect
{ }{ }
Note that \AddTrackedDialect
to the dialect label, which makes it easier to reference the last
dialect to be tracked.
6.6. Defining New tracklang Labels[link]
A dialect label may be predefined with associated information that
allows that particular combination to be easily tracked with
. In the case of a dialect label that
only requires the information provided in \TrackLangNewLanguage
you can use:
. This allows
{ }
to not only track the root language but also the associated ISO codes.
If the dialect label doesn’t match the root language label then use:
where is the new tracklang dialect label, {root language label} is the tracklang root language label, is the ISO 3166-1 region code (may be empty), is the modifier (may be empty), is the variant information (may be empty), is your package’s language label that corresponds to the tracklang dialect label supplied in the first argument (may be empty if identical), and is the ISO 15924 alpha-4 script code (may be empty if it’s the same as the default script for the root language).For compatibility with pre version 1.3, if the dialect isn’t predefined by tracklang, then you can use:
{ }{ }
where is the label for the dialect’s root
language (Table 1.2) and matches
the captions hook. If the dialect is already in the tracked dialect
list, it won’t be added again. If the root language is already in
the tracked language list, it won’t be added again. As from version
1.3 this additionally defines
to for convenient reference if required.
Note that \AddTrackedDialect
is internally used by commands like
, \TrackLocale
(New to version 1.3.) Many of the tracklang dialect
labels don’t have a corresponding match in various language packages. For
example, tracklang provides ngermanDE but the
closest match in babel is ngerman. This means that
the caption hook \captionsngerman
can’t be accessed
in the resource files. In this case, a mapping may be defined between the tracklang dialect label and the closest matching label used by the language hooks. This is done through where is the tracklang label and is the language hook label. For example:\csname
Since \TrackLanguageTag
internally uses \AddTrackedDialect
the dialect label created by tracklang can be accessed
using \TrackLangLastTrackedDialect
. This means that
can now find the \captionsngerman
hook even though the tracklang dialect label isn’t ngerman.
(New to version 1.3.) If the root language label is recognised by tracklang, you can add the ISO codes using:
As from v1.3, you can also provide a modifier for a given dialect using:
where is the dialect label and is the modifier value. For example:\AddTrackedDialect
Note that no sanitization is performed on \SetTrackedDialectModifier
since it’s assumed that any package that specifically sets the
modifier in this way is using a sensible labelling system. If the
modifier is obtained through commands like \TrackLocale
, then
the modifier is sanitized as the value may have been obtained from
the operating system and there’s no guarantee that it won’t contain
problematic characters.
The modifier is typically obtained by parsing locale information in POSIX format.
whereas the [variant is typically obtained by parsing the language tag._
The information provided in the commands below (such as the script) are typically obtained by parsing the language tag. For example, with Serbian in the Latin alphabet the modifier would be latin whereas the script would be Latn:
As from v1.3, you can provide a script (for example, Latn or Cyrl) using:
where is the dialect label and is the ISO 15924 alpha-4 script identifier. For example:\AddTrackedDialect
As from v1.3, you can provide a variant for a given dialect using:
For example:\AddTrackedDialect
As from v1.3, you can also provide a sub-language using:
where is the dialect label and is the code. For example:\AddTrackedDialect
As from v1.3, you can also provide additional information using:
where is the dialect label and is the additional information.
6.7. Example (alien.sty)[link]
Suppose I want to create a language package alien.sty that defines the martian language with regional dialects lowermartian and uppermartian. First, let’s suppose that tracklang recognises the root language martian:
The caption commands and language set up are in the files alien-.ldf as in the examples from §5.1. This allows for the user having already loaded tracklang before alien and used\ProvidesPackage
tracklang% v1.3\DeclareOption
{martian} }\DeclareOption
{3166-1}{YY}{lowermartian} % other attributes such as %\SetTrackedDialectVariant
{lowermartian}{...} }\DeclareOption
{3166-1}{XX}{uppermartian} % other attributes such as %\SetTrackedDialectVariant
{uppermartian}{...} }\ProcessOptions
{#1}% % other stuff\SetCurrentTrackedDialect
{#1}% }\AnyTrackedLanguages
} {%\TrackLangRequireDialect
} } }
to pick up
the locale from the operating system’s environment variables.
(For example, they may have LANG
set to
The resource files may need to set the mapping between the tracklang dialect label and the alien dialect label. For example, in alien-xx-YY.ldf:
{martian}% load common elements\newcommand
{X'flurp}% regional variation }\SetTrackedDialectLabelMap
Now let’s consider the case where tracklang doesn’t know
about the martian language. In this case the user can’t
track the dialect until the root language has been defined, so the
user can’t use \TrackLangFromEnv
before using the alien
With tracklang v1.3. The new root language can be defined with a minor adjustment to the above code:
The rest is as before.\ProvidesPackage
{tracklang}% needs v1.3\TrackLangIfKnownLang
{martian} {% tracklang already knows about the martian language }% { % tracklang doesn't known about the martian language, % so define it % with ISO 639-1 (xx) and ISO 639-2 (xxx) codes:\TrackLangNewLanguage
{martian}{xx}{xxx}{}{}{}{Latn} }
Now other package writers who want to provide support for the Martian dialects can easily detect which language options the user requested through my package, without needing to know anything about my alien package.
A. Region and Script Mappings[link]
Region mappings are listed in Table A.1, and script mappings are listed in Table A.2.
Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 | Numeric | Alpha-2 | Alpha-3 | Numeric |
AD | AND | 020 | AE | ARE | 784 |
AF | AFG | 004 | AG | ATG | 028 |
AI | AIA | 660 | AL | ALB | 008 |
AM | ARM | 051 | AO | AGO | 024 |
AQ | ATA | 010 | AR | ARG | 032 |
AS | ASM | 016 | AT | AUT | 040 |
AU | AUS | 036 | AW | ABW | 533 |
AX | ALA | 248 | AZ | AZE | 031 |
BA | BIH | 070 | BB | BRB | 052 |
BD | BGD | 050 | BE | BEL | 056 |
BF | BFA | 854 | BG | BGR | 100 |
BH | BHR | 048 | BI | BDI | 108 |
BJ | BEN | 204 | BL | BLM | 652 |
BM | BMU | 060 | BN | BRN | 096 |
BO | BOL | 068 | BQ | BES | 535 |
BR | BRA | 076 | BS | BHS | 044 |
BT | BTN | 064 | BV | BVT | 074 |
BW | BWA | 072 | BY | BLR | 112 |
BZ | BLZ | 084 | CA | CAN | 124 |
CC | CCK | 166 | CD | COD | 180 |
CF | CAF | 140 | CG | COG | 178 |
CH | CHE | 756 | CI | CIV | 384 |
CK | COK | 184 | CL | CHL | 152 |
CM | CMR | 120 | CN | CHN | 156 |
CO | COL | 170 | CR | CRI | 188 |
CU | CUB | 192 | CV | CPV | 132 |
CW | CUW | 531 | CX | CXR | 162 |
CY | CYP | 196 | CZ | CZE | 203 |
DE | DEU | 276 | DJ | DJI | 262 |
DK | DNK | 208 | DM | DMA | 212 |
DO | DOM | 214 | DZ | DZA | 012 |
EC | ECU | 218 | EE | EST | 233 |
EG | EGY | 818 | EH | ESH | 732 |
ER | ERI | 232 | ES | ESP | 724 |
ET | ETH | 231 | FI | FIN | 246 |
FJ | FJI | 242 | FK | FLK | 238 |
FM | FSM | 583 | FO | FRO | 234 |
FR | FRA | 250 | GA | GAB | 266 |
GB | GBR | 826 | GD | GRD | 308 |
GE | GEO | 268 | GF | GUF | 254 |
GG | GGY | 831 | GH | GHA | 288 |
GI | GIB | 292 | GL | GRL | 304 |
GM | GMB | 270 | GN | GIN | 324 |
GP | GLP | 312 | GQ | GNQ | 226 |
GR | GRC | 300 | GS | SGS | 239 |
GT | GTM | 320 | GU | GUM | 316 |
GW | GNB | 624 | GY | GUY | 328 |
HK | HKG | 344 | HM | HMD | 334 |
HN | HND | 340 | HR | HRV | 191 |
HT | HTI | 332 | HU | HUN | 348 |
ID | IDN | 360 | IE | IRL | 372 |
IL | ISR | 376 | IM | IMN | 833 |
IN | IND | 356 | IO | IOT | 086 |
IQ | IRQ | 368 | IR | IRN | 364 |
IS | ISL | 352 | IT | ITA | 380 |
JE | JEY | 832 | JM | JAM | 388 |
JO | JOR | 400 | JP | JPN | 392 |
KE | KEN | 404 | KG | KGZ | 417 |
KH | KHM | 116 | KI | KIR | 296 |
KM | COM | 174 | KN | KNA | 659 |
KP | PRK | 408 | KR | KOR | 410 |
KW | KWT | 414 | KY | CYM | 136 |
KZ | KAZ | 398 | LA | LAO | 418 |
LB | LBN | 422 | LC | LCA | 662 |
LI | LIE | 438 | LK | LKA | 144 |
LR | LBR | 430 | LS | LSO | 426 |
LT | LTU | 440 | LU | LUX | 442 |
LV | LVA | 428 | LY | LBY | 434 |
MA | MAR | 504 | MC | MCO | 492 |
MD | MDA | 498 | ME | MNE | 499 |
MF | MAF | 663 | MG | MDG | 450 |
MH | MHL | 584 | MK | MKD | 807 |
ML | MLI | 466 | MM | MMR | 104 |
MN | MNG | 496 | MO | MAC | 446 |
MP | MNP | 580 | MQ | MTQ | 474 |
MR | MRT | 478 | MS | MSR | 500 |
MT | MLT | 470 | MU | MUS | 480 |
MV | MDV | 462 | MW | MWI | 454 |
MX | MEX | 484 | MY | MYS | 458 |
MZ | MOZ | 508 | NA | NAM | 516 |
NC | NCL | 540 | NE | NER | 562 |
NF | NFK | 574 | NG | NGA | 566 |
NI | NIC | 558 | NL | NLD | 528 |
NO | NOR | 578 | NP | NPL | 524 |
NR | NRU | 520 | NU | NIU | 570 |
NZ | NZL | 554 | OM | OMN | 512 |
PA | PAN | 591 | PE | PER | 604 |
PF | PYF | 258 | PG | PNG | 598 |
PH | PHL | 608 | PK | PAK | 586 |
PL | POL | 616 | PM | SPM | 666 |
PN | PCN | 612 | PR | PRI | 630 |
PS | PSE | 275 | PT | PRT | 620 |
PW | PLW | 585 | PY | PRY | 600 |
QA | QAT | 634 | RE | REU | 638 |
RO | ROU | 642 | RS | SRB | 688 |
RU | RUS | 643 | RW | RWA | 646 |
SA | SAU | 682 | SB | SLB | 090 |
SC | SYC | 690 | SD | SDN | 729 |
SE | SWE | 752 | SG | SGP | 702 |
SH | SHN | 654 | SI | SVN | 705 |
SJ | SJM | 744 | SK | SVK | 703 |
SL | SLE | 694 | SM | SMR | 674 |
SN | SEN | 686 | SO | SOM | 706 |
SR | SUR | 740 | SS | SSD | 728 |
ST | STP | 678 | SV | SLV | 222 |
SX | SXM | 534 | SY | SYR | 760 |
SZ | SWZ | 748 | TC | TCA | 796 |
TD | TCD | 148 | TF | ATF | 260 |
TG | TGO | 768 | TH | THA | 764 |
TJ | TJK | 762 | TK | TKL | 772 |
TL | TLS | 626 | TM | TKM | 795 |
TN | TUN | 788 | TO | TON | 776 |
TR | TUR | 792 | TT | TTO | 780 |
TV | TUV | 798 | TW | TWN | 158 |
TZ | TZA | 834 | UA | UKR | 804 |
UG | UGA | 800 | UM | UMI | 581 |
US | USA | 840 | UY | URY | 858 |
UZ | UZB | 860 | VA | VAT | 336 |
VC | VCT | 670 | VE | VEN | 862 |
VG | VGB | 092 | VI | VIR | 850 |
VN | VNM | 704 | VU | VUT | 548 |
WF | WLF | 876 | WS | WSM | 882 |
YE | YEM | 887 | YT | MYT | 175 |
ZA | ZAF | 710 | ZM | ZMB | 894 |
ZW | ZWE | 716 |
Alpha-2 | Numeric | Direction | Description |
Adlm | 166 | RL | Adlam. |
Afak | 439 | varies | Afaka. |
Aghb | 239 | LR | Caucasian Albanian. |
Ahom | 338 | LR | Ahom, Tai Ahom. |
Arab | 160 | RL | Arabic. |
Aran | 161 | RL | Arabic (Nastaliq variant). |
Armi | 124 | RL | Imperial Aramaic. |
Armn | 230 | LR | Armenian. |
Avst | 134 | RL | Avestan. |
Bali | 360 | LR | Balinese. |
Bamu | 435 | LR | Bamum. |
Bass | 259 | LR | Bassa Vah. |
Batk | 365 | LR | Batak. |
Beng | 334 | LR | Bhaiksuki. |
Blis | 550 | varies | Blissymbols. |
Bopo | 285 | LR | Bopomofo. |
Brah | 300 | LR | Brahmi. |
Brai | 570 | LR | Braille. |
Bugi | 367 | LR | Buginese. |
Buhd | 372 | LR | Buhid. |
Cakm | 349 | LR | Chakma. |
Cans | 440 | LR | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics. |
Cari | 201 | LR | Carian. |
Cham | 358 | LR | Cham. |
Cher | 445 | LR | Cherokee. |
Cirt | 291 | varies | Cirth. |
Copt | 204 | LR | Coptic. |
Cprt | 403 | RL | Cypriot. |
Cyrl | 220 | LR | Cyrillic. |
Cyrs | 221 | varies | Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant). |
Deva | 315 | LR | Devanagari (Nagari). |
Dsrt | 250 | LR | Deseret (Mormon). |
Dupl | 755 | LR | Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography. |
Egyd | 070 | RL | Egyptian demotic. |
Egyh | 060 | RL | Egyptian hieratic. |
Egyp | 050 | LR | Egyptian hieroglyphs. |
Elba | 226 | LR | Elbasan. |
Ethi | 430 | LR | Ethiopic (Ge’ez). |
Geok | 241 | LR | Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri). |
Geor | 240 | LR | Georgian (Mkhedruli). |
Glag | 225 | LR | Glagolitic. |
Goth | 206 | LR | Gothic. |
Gran | 343 | LR | Grantha. |
Grek | 200 | LR | Greek. |
Gujr | 320 | LR | Gujarati. |
Guru | 310 | LR | Gurmukhi. |
Hanb | 503 | LR | Han with Bopomofo (alias for Han + Bopomofo). |
Hang | 286 | LR | Hangul. |
Hani | 500 | LR | Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja). |
Hano | 371 | LR | Hanunoo. |
Hans | 501 | varies | Han (Simplified variant). |
Hant | 502 | varies | Han (Traditional variant). |
Hatr | 127 | RL | Hatran. |
Hebr | 125 | RL | Hebrew. |
Hira | 410 | LR | Hiragana. |
Hluw | 080 | LR | Anatolian Hieroglyphs (Luwian Hieroglyphs, Hittite Hieroglyphs). |
Hmng | 450 | LR | Pahawh Hmong. |
Hrkt | 412 | varies | Japanese syllabaries (alias for Hiragana + Katakana). |
Hung | 176 | RL | Old Hungarian (Hungarian Runic). |
Inds | 610 | RL | Indus (Harappan). |
Ital | 210 | LR | Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan, etc.) |
Jamo | 284 | LR | Jamo (alias for Jamo subset of Hangul). |
Java | 361 | LR | Javanese. |
Jpan | 413 | varies | Japanese (alias for Han + Hiragana + Katakana). |
Jurc | 510 | LR | Jurchen. |
Kali | 357 | LR | Kayah Li. |
Kana | 411 | LR | Katakana. |
Khar | 305 | RL | Kharoshthi. |
Khmr | 355 | LR | Khmer. |
Khoj | 322 | LR | Khojki. |
Kitl | 505 | LR | Khitan large script. |
Kits | 288 | TB | Khitan small script. |
Knda | 345 | LR | Kannada. |
Kore | 287 | LR | Korean (alias for Hangul + Han). |
Kpel | 436 | LR | Kpelle. |
Kthi | 317 | LR | Kaithi. |
Lana | 351 | LR | Tai Tham (Lanna). |
Laoo | 356 | LR | Lao. |
Latf | 217 | varies | Latin (Fraktur variant). |
Latg | 216 | LR | Latin (Gaelic variant). |
Latn | 215 | LR | Latin. |
Leke | 364 | LR | Leke. |
Lepc | 335 | LR | Lepcha. |
Limb | 336 | LR | Limbu. |
Lina | 400 | LR | Linear A. |
Linb | 401 | LR | Linear B. |
Lisu | 399 | LR | Lisu (Fraser). |
Loma | 437 | LR | Loma. |
Lyci | 202 | LR | Lycian. |
Lydi | 116 | RL | Lydian. |
Mahj | 314 | LR | Mahajani. |
Mand | 140 | RL | Mandaic, Mandaean. |
Mani | 139 | RL | Manichaean. |
Marc | 332 | LR | Marchen. |
Maya | 090 | varies | Mayan hieroglyphs. |
Mend | 438 | RL | Mende Kikakui. |
Merc | 101 | RL | Meroitic Cursive. |
Mero | 100 | RL | Meroitic Hieroglyphs. |
Mlym | 347 | LR | Malayalam. |
Modi | 324 | LR | Modi. |
Mong | 145 | TB | Mongolian. |
Moon | 218 | varies | Moon (Moon code, Moon script, Moon type). |
Mroo | 199 | LR | Mro, Mru. |
Mtei | 337 | LR | Meitei Mayek (Meithei, Meetei). |
Mult | 323 | LR | Multani. |
Mymr | 350 | LR | Myanmar (Burmese). |
Narb | 106 | RL | Old North Arabian (Ancient North Arabian). |
Nbat | 159 | RL | Nabataean. |
Newa | 333 | LR | Newa, Newar, Newari. |
Nkgb | 420 | LR | Nakhi Geba. |
Nkoo | 165 | RL | N’Ko. |
Nshu | 499 | LR | Nushu. |
Ogam | 212 | varies | Ogham. |
Olck | 261 | LR | Ol Chiki. |
Orkh | 175 | RL | Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic. |
Orya | 327 | LR | Oriya. |
Osge | 219 | LR | Osage. |
Osma | 260 | LR | Osmanya. |
Palm | 126 | RL | Palmyrene. |
Pauc | 263 | LR | Pau Cin Hau. |
Perm | 227 | LR | Old Permic. |
Phag | 331 | TB | Phags-pa. |
Phli | 131 | RL | Inscriptional Pahlavi. |
Phlp | 132 | RL | Psalter Pahlavi. |
Phlv | 133 | RL | Book Pahlavi. |
Phnx | 115 | RL | Phoenician. |
Piqd | 293 | LR | Klingon (KLI plqaD). |
Plrd | 282 | LR | Miao (Pollard). |
Prti | 130 | RL | Inscriptional Parthian. |
Qaaa | 900 | varies | Reserved for private use (start). |
Qaai | 908 | varies | Private use. |
Qabx | 949 | varies | Reserved for private use (end). |
Rjng | 363 | LR | Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga). |
Roro | 620 | varies | Rongorongo. |
Runr | 211 | LR | Runic. |
Samr | 123 | RL | Samaritan. |
Sara | 292 | varies | Sarati. |
Sarb | 105 | RL | Old South Arabian. |
Saur | 344 | LR | Saurashtra. |
Sgnw | 095 | TB | SignWriting. |
Shaw | 281 | LR | Shavian (Shaw). |
Shrd | 319 | LR | Sharada. |
Sidd | 302 | LR | Siddham. |
Sind | 318 | LR | Khudawadi, Sindhi. |
Sinh | 348 | LR | Sinhala. |
Sora | 398 | LR | Sora Sompeng. |
Sund | 362 | LR | Sundanese. |
Sylo | 316 | LR | Syloti Nagri. |
Syrc | 135 | RL | Syriac. |
Syre | 138 | RL | Syriac (Estrangelo variant). |
Syrj | 137 | RL | Syriac (Western variant). |
Syrn | 136 | RL | Syriac (Eastern variant). |
Tagb | 373 | LR | Tagbanwa. |
Takr | 321 | LR | Takri. |
Tale | 353 | LR | Tai Le. |
Talu | 354 | LR | New Tai Lue. |
Taml | 346 | LR | Tamil. |
Tang | 520 | LR | Tangut. |
Tavt | 359 | LR | Tai Viet. |
Telu | 340 | LR | Telugu. |
Teng | 290 | LR | Tengwar. |
Tfng | 120 | LR | Tifinagh (Berber). |
Tglg | 370 | LR | Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata). |
Thaa | 170 | RL | Thaana. |
Thai | 352 | LR | Thai. |
Tibt | 330 | LR | Tibetan. |
Tirh | 326 | LR | Tirhuta. |
Ugar | 040 | LR | Ugaritic. |
Vaii | 470 | LR | Vai. |
Visp | 280 | LR | Visible Speech. |
Wara | 262 | LR | Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti). |
Wole | 480 | RL | Woleai. |
Xpeo | 030 | LR | Old Persian. |
Xsux | 020 | LR | Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian. |
Yiii | 460 | LR | Yi. |
Zinh | 994 | inherited | Inherited script. |
Zmth | 995 | LR | Mathematical notation. |
Zsye | 993 | varies | Symbols (emoji variant). |
Zsym | 996 | varies | Symbols. |
Zxxx | 997 | varies | Unwritten documents. |
Zyyy | 998 | varies | Undetermined script. |
Zzzz | 999 | varies | Uncoded script. |
- 📌
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- ℹ
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- 🛈
- Prominent information.
- 🖹
- LaTeX code to insert into your document.
- 🖺
- How the example code should appear in the PDF.
- 〉_
- A command-line application invocation that needs to be entered into a terminal or command prompt.
- 𝍢
- An option that doesn’t take a value.
- Command-line interface (CLI)
- An application that doesn’t have a graphical user interface. That is, an application that doesn’t have any windows, buttons or menus and can be run in a command prompt or terminal.
- Shell escape
- TeX has the ability to run CLI applications while it’s typesetting a document. Whilst this is a convenient way of using tools to help build the document, it’s a security risk. To help protect users from arbitrary—and potentially dangerous—code from begin executed, TeX has a restricted mode, where only trusted applications are allowed to run. This is usually the default mode, but your TeX installation may be set up so that the shell escape is disabled by default. The unrestricted mode allows you to run any application from the shell escape. Take care about enabling this option. If you receive a document or package from an untrusted source, first run TeX with the shell escape disabled or in restricted mode and search the log file for “runsystem” before using the unrestricted mode. Note that LuaLaTeX additionally requires the shellesc package.
Command Summary[link]
Provided by tracklang.sty to declare as a package option that tracks . Provided by tracklang.tex, if not already defined, to ignore its argument. §3; 19
If defined before tracklang.sty v1.3.8+ is loaded, this command will be done after package options have been processed but before the check for language packages, such as babel and polyglossia. §6; 72
Adds the ISO 3166-1 code.
Tracks a dialect. This command defines \TrackLangLastTrackedDialect
to provide a convenient way to reference the last dialect to be tracked. §6.5; 76
Adds a mapping between the given ISO code and language name.
Shortcut for
. §6.5; 76
{ }{ }
Adds the ISO 639-1, 639-2 and 639-3 codes, which must have previously been declared using \TrackLangNewLanguage
. §6.6; 78
if there are any tracked languages, otherwise expands to .
if there are any tracked regions, otherwise expands to .
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the dialect label, which may be the supplied label or the mapped label or, if is a root language label, the last tracked dialect for the given root language. §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the additional part associated with the dialect (may be empty). §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the associated modifier (may be empty). §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the script associated with the dialect, or to the default script for the language. §5; 48
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the sub language associated with the dialect (may be empty). §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the associated variant (may be empty). §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the ISO 639-1 or 639-2 or 639-3 language code (may be empty). §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the associated root language label. §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the language tag that identifies the dialect or und if no match. §5; 47
Defined by \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
to the ISO 3166-1 region code associated with the dialect (may be empty). §5; 47
Expands to the current tracked tag. §5; 45
Iterates through the list of tracked dialects. On each iteration §5; 37
is set to the dialect tag and is performed.
Iterates through the list of tracked languages. On each iteration §5; 37
is set to the language tag and is performed.
Iterates through the list of tracked regions. On each iteration §5; 37
is set to the region code and is performed.
Expands to the extra information for §5; 44
Finds the tracked dialect that matches the given language tag and stores the dialect label in §5; 36
. If no match found, will be empty.
Expands to the modifier for the given dialect. §5; 41
Expands to the script for §5; 42
Expands to the sub-language for §5; 44
Expands to the modifier for §5; 42
Gets the language tag for §5; 40
if there’s extra information for , otherwise expands to .if there’s a modifier for the given dialect, otherwise expands to .
if there’s a script for , otherwise expands to .
if there’s a sub-language for , otherwise expands to .
if there’s a modifier for , otherwise expands to .
if the dialect identified by has been tracked, otherwise does .
If the given tracked dialect has an associated script and that script code matches the replacement text for the control sequence §5; 43
then do otherwise to . If the tracked dialect doesn’t have an associated script then the default script for the root language is tested.
Does ISO code has been defined otherwise does . §5; 39
if the givenif the language identified by has been tracked, otherwise does .
and if the dialect is recognised, then determines if the file exists. If it does, \SetCurrentTrackedDialect
{ }\CurrentTrackedTag
is set to and is done, otherwise is done. §5; 45
As \IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
but skips the dialect label check. Note that if the dialect label happens to be the same as the root label, it will still be checked but at the end instead of near the start. §5; 45
As \IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
but skips the dialect label check and just the region code check. Note that if the dialect label happens to be the same as the root label, it will still be checked but at the end instead of near the start. §5; 45
As \IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
but skips the solo region code check. §5; 45
Does ISO code of the given type, otherwise does . §5; 39
if the given language or dialect has a corresponding
Conditional that indicates whether or not to show information messages.
Conditional that indicates whether or not to show verbose messages.
Conditional that indicates whether or not to show warnings.
Sets the current tracked dialect. §6.2; 74
Sets the extra information for §6.6; 80
to .
Defines a mapping between a tracklang dialect label and the corresponding dialect label used by a language hook, such as \captions
. §6.6; 78
Sets the modifier for the given §6.6; 78
to .to .
Sets the sub-language for §6.6; 80
to .
Sets the modifier for §6.6; 79
to .
Expands to 639-3 (should not be redefined). §5; 40
Expands to 639-2 (should not be redefined). §5; 40
Defined by \GetTrackedDialectFromLanguageTag
to the closest match. §5; 36
Expands to a comma-separated list of the tracked dialects with the given language. §5; 39
Expands to the code associated with the given language or dialect identified by §5; 40
Expands to the language from the given dialect. §5; 39
Expands to a comma-separated list of language or dialect labels associated with the given code. §5; 39
As \TrackLanguageTag
but does if the tag doesn’t contain a valid language code. If successful, does after tracking the language. §3; 21
Adds tracklang-region-codes.tex. §4; 31
to the list of extra region code files that should be input by
Adds tracklang-scripts.tex. §4; 33
to the list of files that should be input by
A shortcut that just does
. §5; 56
{ }{captions}
For use within resource files, this can be used to add §5; 55
to the appropriate hook.
Expands to the numeric code corresponding to the given alpha-3 code. §4; 30
Expands to the numeric code corresponding to the given alpha-2 code. §4; 30
Defines a predefined dialect label that can be used by \TrackPredefinedDialect
Defines a new root language that’s declared as an option.
Expands to \inputencodingname
if it has been defined or utf8
otherwise. §5; 54
May be defined using the same format as LC_ALL
before using \TrackLangParseFromEnv
to skip the environment variable query. §3; 25
Set by \TrackLangParseFromEnv
to the code-set. §3; 26
Set by \TrackLangParseFromEnv
to the language code. §3; 26
Set by \TrackLangParseFromEnv
to the modifier. §3; 26
Set by \TrackLangParseFromEnv
to the territory. §3; 26
Queries environment variable if \TrackLangEnv
not already set, parses \TrackLangEnv
if it has been set, and adds the dialect if it’s recognised. §3; 23
Expands to the default script for the given language. §5; 43
Expands to the ISO 3166-1 country code for the given language.
Expands to the ISO 639-2 language code associated with .
Expands to the ISO 639-2 (B) language code associated with .
Expands to the ISO 639-1 language code associated with .
Expands to the root language label from the given ISO code (639-1 or 639-2 or 639-3).
if the argument is a single alphanumeric character otherwise does .
if the given language has a default script (but is not necessarily tracked), otherwise does .
Does ISO 3166-1 country code (but is not necessarily tracked), otherwise does .
if the given language has anif there’s a known mapping for the given , otherwise expands to .
Expands to region code, otherwise expands to . §4; 30
if there’s a known mapping for the given alpha-2
Does ISO 639-2 code (but is not necessarily tracked), otherwise does .
if has an
Does ISO 639-2 (B) code (but is not necessarily tracked), otherwise does .
if has an
Does ISO 639-1 code (but is not necessarily tracked), otherwise does .
if has an
if is known (but not necessarily tracked), otherwise does .
Does 639-1 or 639-2 or 639-3) is recognised (but not necessarily tracked), otherwise does .
if the given language code (
Expands to region code, otherwise expands to . §4; 30
if there’s a known mapping for the given numeric
if the argument is a language tag otherwise does .
if the argument is a region tag otherwise does .
if the argument is a script tag otherwise does .
if the argument is a variant tag otherwise does .
Expands to the label of the last tracked dialect. §6.5; 77
Identifies a new language that may be tracked. Apart from §6.5; 76
, the other arguments may be empty if the information is unavailable.
Expands to the alpha-3 code corresponding to the given numeric code. §4; 31
Expands to the alpha-2 code corresponding to the given numeric code. §4; 30
Attempts to obtain locale information from the expansion of \TrackLangEnv
. §3; 27
Defines a predefined dialect label that can be used by \TrackPredefinedDialect
. §6.6; 77
Sets up a language label for use with \TrackPredefinedDialect
. §6.6; 77
Analogous to \ProvidesFile
. §5; 53
Attempts to obtain locale information from the LC_ALL
environment variable via the shell escape or, with LuaTeX, \directlua
. §3; 26
Attempts to obtain locale information from the LC_ALL
environment variable and then by the environment variable via the shell escape or, with LuaTeX, \directlua
. §3; 27
Similar to \TrackLangAddToHook
but redefines the hook rather than appending to it. §5; 56
Establishes a mapping between a numeric region code and alpha-2 and alpha-3 codes. §4; 31
As \TrackLangRequireResource
but does if the file doesn’t exist. §5; 54
Loads the dialect for the given package using \IfTrackedLanguageFileExists
. §5; 46
Loads the dialect for the given package using \IfTrackedLanguageFileExistsOmitDialectLabel
. §5; 46
Loads the dialect for the given package using \IfTrackedLanguageFileExistsOmitDialectLabelOmitOnlyRegion
. §5; 46
Loads the dialect for the given package using \IfTrackedLanguageFileExistsOmitOnlyRegion
. §5; 46
Defined by \TrackLangRequireDialect
. §5; 46
Loads the appropriate ldf file if it hasn’t already been loaded. §5; 54
As \TrackLangRequireResource
but does if the file is now loaded or if the file has already been loaded. §5; 54
Expands to the direction associated with the given alpha script code. §4; 32
Expands to the name associated with the given alpha script code. §4; 32
Expands to the numeric script code corresponding to the given alpha code. §4; 32
Set by \TrackLangScriptMap
to the associated alpha code . §4; 32
Expands to the parent of the given alpha script code. §4; 33
if the given alpha script code has a parent otherwise expands to .
if there’s a known mapping for the given alpha script code otherwise expands to .
if there’s a known mapping for the given numeric script code otherwise expands to .
Defines a mapping between an alpha code and a numeric code. §4; 32
Expands to the alpha script code corresponding to the given numeric code. §4; 32
Sets the parent for the given alpha script code. §4; 33
Sets \ifTrackLangShowWarnings
to false. §3; 24
Sets \ifTrackLangShowWarnings
to true. §3; 24
, which should be a regular, well-formed RFC 5646 language tag (not an irregular grandfather tag) and track the dialect. Note that the tag must start with a language identifier and can’t simply be a region code.
Tracks the dialect identified by the given \TrackLangEnv
. §3; 20
Tracks a predefined language or dialect. §3; 20
Expands to 3166-1 (should not be redefined). §5; 40
Expands to 639-1 (should not be redefined). §5; 40
Package Option Summary[link]
Any dialect label listed in Table 1.1 may be used as a package option.
Any ISO tag listed in Table 1.1 may be used as a package option.
Switches off verbose setting (default). §3; 19
Switches off warning setting. §3; 19
Switches on verbose setting. §3; 19
Switches on warning setting (default). §3; 19
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