diffcoeff: a package to ease the writing of a variety
of differential coefficients 

Andrew Parsloe (ajparsloe@gmail.com)

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either 
version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later 
version. The latest version of this license is in

Version 5.4 of diffcoeff adds to the configurability of the 
differential and adjusts documentation accordingly. 

Version 5.0 of diffcoeff introduced many interface incompat-
ibilities with version 4, which is still available through 
the trailing optional argument in the \usepackage statement, 
e.g., \usepackage{diffcoeff}[=v4] 
Version 5 requires xtemplate from the l3packages bundle and 
the mleftright package. 

README.txt            this document
diffcoeff.sty         LaTeX .sty file
diffcoeff.pdf         documentation for current version
diffcoeff.tex         LaTeX source of documentation
diffcoeff5.def        definition file

diffcoeff4.sty        LaTeX .sty file for v4.2
diffcoeff4.pdf        documentation for v4.2
diffcoeff4.tex        LaTeX source of documentation for v4.2
diffcoeff-doc.def     definition file for v4.2