Package: foliono
Author: Tommi Syrjänen
Version: 1.000
Date: 25 III 2021

Copyright (c) 2021 Tommi Syrjänen

This work is released under the Latex Project Public License (LPPL)
version 1.3c. See file lppl.txt for details.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
The Current Maintainer of this work is Tommi Syrjänen.
This work consists of the files listed in this file. 

1. The latex style file:
- foliono.sty          - the latex style file

2. Documentation files:
- foliono.pdf          - the users' manual
- README               - a short summary of the package

3. Documentation source files:
- foliono.tex          - LaTeX source for the manual
- pics/standard.png    - image file for documentation
- pics/skip-first.png  - image file for documentation
- pics/only-folio.png  - image file for documentation
- pics/only-quire.png  - image file for documentation

4. License:
- lppl.txt             - the Latex Project Public License