ShLaTeX version 1.2b-en -- LaTeX compilation script for Linux.
Copyright (C) 2003  Mael Hilléreau (

This program is under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. The GNU GPL
is supplied with this program (file "GPL.TXT").

o Install :
    open a root session and execute the "install" script.

o Uninstall :
    open a root session and execute the "uninstall" script.

o Manual Installation :

    If you don't have the root's rights, you may use ShLaTeX like this : 

  - Compile the "tex8to7" program :

      cd ../src
      gcc tex8to7.c -o tex8to7

    the file "tex8to7" is now created.

  - Copy the "ShLaTeX" script and the file "tex8to7" in an accessible directory
    (i.e. which is in the PATH environment variable).

      cp tex8to7 <dir>
      cp ../en/ShLaTeX <dir>

    where <dir> is the directory you'll have choosen.

  - Change this files's rights in order to execute them :

      cd <dir>
      chmod 755 tex8to7 ShLaTeX

  - You may now use the script...