Packages changed: gptfdisk (1.0.6 -> 1.0.8) hidapi libxslt podman (3.1.2 -> 3.2.0) === Details === ==== gptfdisk ==== Version update (1.0.6 -> 1.0.8) - Update to 1.0.8 * Fixed double byte swap operation on writes of partition name data on big-endian systems; this is in addition to the double byte swap fix on reading partition label data fixed in 1.0.7. (Thanks to Erik Larsson for both fixes.) * Added feature to gdisk and sgdisk to enable swapping the byte order of partition names, so as to correct disks already affected by the preceding bug. This option is 'b' on the experts' menu in gdisk and - b/--byte-swap-name in sgdisk. This seems advanced/obscure enough that I don't want to clutter cgdisk's menu with this option, so I haven't added it there. * Added type code for the Barebox boot loader (0xbb00; 4778ED65-BF42-45FA-9C5B-287A1DC4AAB1). * Fixed bug that caused spurious warnings about the partition table header claiming an invalid size of partition entries when reading some MBR disks. * Added ARM64 as an architecture for the Mac builds of gdisk and fixparts. The official GPT fdisk binaries of these files for macOS are now "universal" x86-64/ARM64 binaries, so they will run natively on the new M1 (ARM64) Macs. The sgdisk and cgdisk binaries, though, remain built only for x86-64, because they rely on libraries that are not easily built in "universal" form. * Fixed double byte swap operation on partition label data on big-endian CPUs. This resulted in partition names becoming gibberish on such CPUs. * Added three new type codes: - 0x0701 - Microsoft Storage Replica - 0x0702 - ArcaOS Type 1 - 0x8401 - Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK) block device - Drop fix-spurious-warnings.patch ==== hidapi ==== - Add fix boo#1187056 ==== libxslt ==== - Backport upstream xsltproc manpage fix f165525f Recreate xsltproc man page with old Docbook stylesheet URL Recreate-xsltproc-man-page-with-old-Docbook-styleshe.patch - Don't disable testsuite under QEMU - Move the Copyright file to %_defaultlicensedir replaces the COPYING file with a symlink. ==== podman ==== Version update (3.1.2 -> 3.2.0) Subpackages: podman-cni-config - Update to version 3.2.0: * Bump to v3.2.0 * Fix network create macvlan with subnet option * Final release notes updates for v3.2.0 * add ipv6 nameservers only when the container has ipv6 enabled * Use request context instead of background * [v.3.2] events: support disjunctive filters * System tests: add :Z to volume mounts * generate systemd: make mounts portable * vendor containers/storage@v1.31.3 * vendor containers/common@v0.38.5 * Bump to v3.2.0-dev * Bump to v3.2.0-RC3 * Update release notes for v3.2.0-RC3 * Fix race on podman start --all * Fix race condition in running ls container in a pod * docs: --cert-dir: point to containers-certs.d(5) * Handle hard links in different directories * Improve OCI Runtime error * Handle hard links in remote builds * Podman info add support for status of cgroup controllers * Drop container does not exist on removal to debugf * Downgrade API service routing table logging * add libimage events * docs: generate systemd: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR * Fix problem copying files when container is in host pid namespace * Bump to v3.2.0-dev * Bump to v3.2.0-RC2 * update c/common * Update Cirrus DEST_BRANCH to v3.2 * Updated vendors of c/image, c/storage, Buildah * Initial release notes for v3.2.0-RC2 * Add script for identifying commits in release branches * Add host.containers.internal entry into container's etc/hosts * image prune: remove unused images only with `--all` * podman network reload add rootless support * Use more recent `stale` release... * network tutorial: update with rootless cni changes * [CI:DOCS] Update first line in intro page * Use updated VM images + updated automation tooling * auto-update service: prune images * make vendor * fix system upgrade tests * Print "extracting" only on compressed file * podman image tree: restore previous behavior * fix network restart always test * fix incorrect log driver in podman container image * Add support for cli network prune --filter flag * Move filter parsing to common utils * Bump from 1.30.2 to 1.30.3 * Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` * [CI:DOCS] hack/bats - new helper for running system tests * fix restart always with slirp4netns * Bump from 1.0.0-rc93 to 1.0.0-rc94 * Bump from 22.3.1 to 22.3.2 * Add host.serviceIsRemote to podman info results * Add client disconnect to build handler loop * Remove obsolete skips * Fix podman-remote build --rm=false ... * fix: improved "containers/{name}/wait" endpoint * Bump from 1.30.1 to 1.30.2 * Add envars to the generated systemd unit * fix: use UTC Time Stamps in response JSON * fix container startup for empty pidfile * Kube like pods should share ipc,net,uts by default * fix: compat API "images/get" for multiple images * Revert escaped double dash man page flag syntax * Report Download complete in Compatibility mode * Add documentation on short-names * Bump * Adds support to preserve auto update labels in generate and play kube * [CI:DOCS] Stop conversion of `--` into en dash * Revert Patch to relabel if selinux not enabled * fix per review request * Add support for environment variable secrets * fix pre review request * Fix infinite loop in isPathOnVolume * Add containers.conf information for changing defaults * CI: run rootless tests under ubuntu * Fix wrong macvlan PNG in networking doc. * Add restart-policy to container filters & --filter to podman start * Fixes docker-compose cannot set static ip when use ipam * channel: simplify implementation * build: improve regex for iidfile * Bump from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 * cgroup: fix rootless --cgroup-parent with pods * fix: docker APIv2 `images/get` * codespell cleanup * Minor podmanimage docs updates. * Fix handling of runlabel IMAGE and NAME * Bump to v3.2.0-dev * Bump to v3.2.0-rc1 * rootless: improve automatic range split * podman: set volatile storage flag for --rm containers * Bump from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2 * Bump from 5.11.1 to 5.12.0 * migrate Podman to containers/common/libimage * Add filepath glob support to --security-opt unmask * Force log_driver to k8s-file for containers in containers * add --mac-address to podman play kube * compat api: Networks must be empty instead of null * System tests: honor $OCI_RUNTIME (for CI) * is this a bug? * system test image: add arm64v8 image * Fix troubleshooting documentation on handling sublemental groups. * Add --all to podman start * Fix variable reference typo. in multi-arch image action * cgroup: always honor --cgroup-parent with cgroupfs * Bump * Don't require tests for github-actions & metadata * Detect if in podman machine virtual vm * Fix multi-arch image workflow typo * [CI:DOCS] Add titles to remote docs (windows) * Remove unused VolumeList* structs * Cirrus: Update F34beta -> F34 * Update container image docs + fix unstable execution * Bump from 1.30.0 to 1.30.1 * TODO complete * Docker returns 'die' status rather then 'died' status * Check if another VM is running on machine start * [CI:DOCS] Improve titles of command HTML pages * system tests: networking: fix another race condition * Use seccomp_profile as default profile if defined in containers.conf * Bump from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 * Vendored * Autoupdate local label functional * System tests: fix two race conditions * Add more documentation on conmon * Allow docker volume create API to pass without name * Cirrus: Update Ubuntu images to 21.04 * Skip blkio-weight test when no kernel BFQ support * rootless: Tell the user what was led to the error, not just what it is * Add troubleshooting advice about the --userns option. * Fix images prune filter until * Fix logic for pushing stable multi-arch images * Fixes generate kube incorrect when bind-mounting "/" and "/root" * libpod/image: unit tests: don't use system's registries.conf.d * runtime: create userns when CAP_SYS_ADMIN is not present * rootless: attempt to copy current mappings first * [CI:DOCS] Restore missing content to manpages * [CI:DOCS] Fix Markdown layout bugs * Fix podman ps --filter ancestor to match exact ImageName/ImageID * Add machine-enabled to containers.conf for machine * Several multi-arch image build/push fixes * Add podman run --timeout option * Parse slirp4netns net options with compat api * Fix rootlesskit port forwarder with custom slirp cidr * Fix removal race condition in ListContainers * Add github-action workflow to build/push multi-arch * rootless: if root is not sub?id raise a debug message * Bump from 0.36.0 to 0.37.0 * Add go template shell completion for --format * Add --group-add keep-groups: suplimentary groups into container * Fixes from make codespell * Typo fix to usage text of --compress option * corrupt-image test: fix an oops * Add --noheading flag to all list commands * Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.0 * Bump from 5.11.0 to 5.11.1 * [CI:DOCS] Fix Markdown table layout bugs * podman-remote should show podman.sock info * rmi: don't break when the image is missing a manifest * [CI:DOCS] Rewrite --uidmap doc in and * Add support for CDI device configuration * [CI:DOCS] Add missing dash to verbose option * Bump * Remove an advanced layer diff function * Ensure mount destination is clean, no trailing slash * add it for inspect pidfile * [CI:DOCS] Fix introduction page typo * support pidfile on container restore * fix start it * skip pidfile test on remote * improve document * set pidfile default value int containerconfig * add pidfile in inspection * add pidfile it for container start * skip pidfile it on remote * Modify according to comments * WIP: drop test requirement * runtime: bump required conmon version * runtime: return findConmon to libpod * oci: drop ExecContainerCleanup * oci: use `--full-path` option for conmon * use AttachSocketPath when removing conmon files * hide conmon-pidfile flag on remote mode * Fix possible panic in libpod/image/prune.go * add --ip to podman play kube * add flag autocomplete * add ut * add flag "--pidfile" for podman create/run * Add network bindings tests: remove and list * Fix build with GO111MODULE=off * system tests: build --pull-never: deal with flakes * compose test: diagnose flakes v3 * podman play kube apply correct log driver * Fixes podman-remote save to directories does not work * Bump from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2 * Update documentation of podman-run to reflect volume "U" option * Fix flake on failed podman-remote build : try 2 * compose test: ongoing efforts to diagnose flakes * Test that we don't error out on advertised --log-level values * At trace log level, print error text using %+v instead of %v * pkg/errorhandling.JoinErrors: don't throw away context for lone errors * Recognize --log-level=trace * Fix flake on failed podman-remote build * System tests: fix racy podman-inspect * Fixes invalid expression in save command * Bump from 0.35.4 to 0.36.0 * Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` * compose test: try to get useful data from flakes * Remove in-memory state implementation * Fix message about runtime to show only the actual runtime * System tests: setup: better cleanup of stray images * Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 * Reflect current state of prune implementation in docs * Do not delete container twice * [CI:DOCS] Correct status code for /pods/create * vendor in containers/storage v1.29.0 * cgroup: do not set cgroup parent when rootless and cgroupfs * Overhaul Makefile binary and release worflows * Reorganize Makefile with sections and guide * Simplify Makefile help target * Don't shell to obtain current directory * Remove unnecessary/not-needed release.txt target * Fix incorrect version number output * Exclude .gitignore from test req. * Fix handling of $NAME and $IMAGE in runlabel * Update podman image Dockerfile to support Podman in container * Bump from 5.10.5 to 5.11.0 * Fix slashes in socket URLs * Add network prune filters support to bindings * Add support for play/generate kube volumes * Update manifest API endpoints * Fix panic when not giving a machine name for ssh * cgroups: force 64 bits to ParseUint * Bump from 0.20.5 to 0.21.0 * [CI:DOCS] Fix formatting of podman-build man page * buildah-bud tests: simplify * Add missing return * Bump from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1 * speed up CI handling of images * Volumes prune endpoint should use only prune filters * Cirrus: Use Fedora 34beta images * Bump go.sum + Makefile for golang 1.16 * Exempt Makefile changes from test requirements * Adjust libpod API Container Wait documentation to the code * [CI:DOCS] Update swagger definition of inspect manifest * use updated ubuntu images * podman unshare: add --rootless-cni to join the ns * Update swagger-check * swagger: remove name wildcards * Update buildah-bud diffs * Handle podman-remote --arch, --platform, --os * buildah-bud tests: handle go pseudoversions, plus... * Fix flaking rootless compose test * rootless cni add /usr/sbin to PATH if not present * System tests: special case for RHEL: require runc * Add --requires flag to podman run/create * [CI:DOCS] swagger-check: compare operations * [CI:DOCS] Polish swagger OpertionIDs * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` * Ensure that `--userns=keep-id` sets user in config * [CI:DOCS] Set all operation id to be compatibile * Move operationIds to swagger:operation line * swagger: add operationIds that match with docker * Cirrus: Make use of shared get_ci_vm container * Don't relabel volumes if running in a privileged container * Allow users to override default storage opts with --storage-opt * Add support for podman --context default * Verify existence of auth file if specified * fix machine naming conventions * Initial network bindings tests * Update release notes to indicate CVE fix * Move socket activation check into init() and set global condition. * Bump from 1.15.2 to 1.16.0 * Http api tests for network prune with until filter *, : Adjust Markdown layout for --userns * Fix typos --uidmapping and --gidmapping * Add transport and destination info to manifest doc * Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.14.1 * Add default template functions * Fix missing podman-remote build options * Bump from 22.3.0 to 22.3.1 * Add ssh connection to root user * Add rootless docker-compose test to the CI * Use the slrip4netns dns in the rootless cni ns * Cleanup the rootless cni namespace * Add new docker-compose test for two networks * Make the docker-compose test work rootless * Remove unused rootless-cni-infra container files * Only use rootless RLK when the container has ports * Fix dnsname test * Enable rootless network connect/disconnect * Move slirp4netns functions into an extra file * Fix pod infra container cni network setup * Add rootless support for cni and --uidmap * rootless cni without infra container * Recreate until container prune tests for bindings * Remove --execute from podman machine ssh * Fixed podman-remote --network flag * Makefile: introduce install.docker-full * Makefile: ensure install.docker creates BINDIR * Fix unmount doc reference in image.rst * Should send the OCI runtime path not just the name to buildah * podman machine shell completion * Fix handling of remove --log-rusage param * Fix bindings prune containers flaky test * [CI:DOCS] Add local html build info to docs/ * Add podman machine list * Trim white space from /top endpoint results * Remove semantic version suffices from API calls * podman machine init --ignition-path * Document --volume from podman-remote run/create client * Update main branch to reflect the release of v3.1.0 * Silence podman network reload errors with iptables-nft * Containers prune endpoint should use only prune filters * resolve proper aarch64 image names * APIv2 basic test: relax APIVersion check * Add machine support for qemu-system-aarch64 * podman machine init user input * manpage xref: helpful diagnostic for unescaped dash-dash * Bump to v3.2.0-dev * swagger: update system version response body * buildah-bud tests: reenable pull-never test * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Shrink the size of podman-remote * Add powershell completions * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Drop Warning to Info, if cgroups not mounted * Fix long option format on * system tests: friendier messages for 2-arg is() * service: use LISTEN_FDS * man pages: correct seccomp-policy label * rootless: use is_fd_inherited * podman generate systemd --new do not duplicate params * play kube: add support for env vars defined from secrets * play kube: support optional/mandatory env var from config map * play kube: prepare supporting other env source than config maps * Add machine support for more Linux distros * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Use same function podman-remote rmi as podman * Podman machine enhancements * Add problematic volume name to kube play error messages * Fix podman build --pull-never * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Fix for kernel without CONFIG_USER_NS * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Turn on podman-remote build --isolation * Fix list pods filter handling in libpod api * Remove resize race condition * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Vendor in containers/buildah v1.20.0 * Use TMPDIR when commiting images * Add RequiresMountsFor= to systemd generate * Bump from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 * Fix swapped dimensions from terminal.GetSize * Rename podman machine create to init and clean up * Correct json field name * system tests: new interactive tests * Improvements for machine * libpod/image: unit tests: use a `registries.conf` for aliases * libpod/image: unit tests: defer cleanup * libpod/image: unit tests: use `require.NoError` * Add --execute flag to podman machine ssh * introduce podman machine * Podman machine CLI and interface stub * Support multi doc yaml for generate/play kube * Fix filters in image http compat/libpod api endpoints * Bump from 0.35.3 to 0.35.4 * Bump from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 * Check if stdin is a term in --interactive --tty mode * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Remove /tmp/containers-users-* files on reboot * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Fix rootless volume plugins * Ensure manually-created volumes have correct ownership * Bump * Unification of until filter across list/prune endpoints * Unification of label filter across list/prune endpoints * fixup * fix: build endpoint for compat API * [CI:DOCS] Add note to mappings for user/group userns in build * Bump from 0.20.1 to 0.20.5 * Validate passed in timezone from tz option * WIP: run buildah bud tests using podman * Fix containers list/prune http api filter behaviour * Generate Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims from named volumes