Packages changed: cri-o (1.21.2 -> 1.22.0) libzypp (17.28.2 -> 17.28.3) zypper (1.14.48 -> 1.14.49) === Details === ==== cri-o ==== Version update (1.21.2 -> 1.22.0) Subpackages: cri-o-kubeadm-criconfig - Update to version 1.22.0: Dependency-Change * Update runc within static binary bundle to v1.0.1 * Update static binary bundle runc version to v1.0.0-rc94. * Update static binary bundle runc version to v1.0.0-rc95. * Updated crun in static binary bundle to v0.20.1 Deprecation * The internal_wipe option is now true by default. Further, it is being deprecated, and will be unconditionally true in the future. API Change * Update how the resources for a workload is specified. Now, to override a workload, the pod must have the annotation $prefix/$ctr_name = {"$resource_type": "$resource_value"}. The workloads feature has also been marked as experimental, which should have happened from the beginning. Feature * Added --metrics-collectors/metrics_collectors configuration to enable or disable certain metrics. * All metrics collectors are enabled per default. * Added crio_image_pulls_layer_size histogram metric to get insights about all pulled layer sizes. * Added build tags as well as AppArmor and seccomp status to crio version output. * Added generation of self-signed certificates for the secure metrics endpoint * if the provided cert and key paths are not available on disk. * Added secure metrics endpoint configuration options * Added structural logging of container ID, sandbox ID and process ID on container start. * Automatically reload metrics TLS certificate and key if any of those specified files change. * CNI plugins are now passed a K8S_POD_UID environment variable containing the pod UID this sandbox was started for. * Changed the logging behavior of klog messages to be included in the CRI-O logs. * The klog info verbositry is converted to CRI-O debug to lower the log verbosity. * Cri-o now does not limit the DNS search paths. * Enable the "volatile" option for the overlay drivers when it is supported by the underlying kernel. * Rootless: enable resource limit when cgroup v2 controllers are delegated. * Support io.kubernetes.cri.blockio-class container annotation for specifying blockio class. * Support pod annotation for specifying the default blockio class to all containers in the pod. * Support pod annotation for specifying the blockio class of the NAME container in the pod. * Add blockio_config_file config file option (and corresponding --blockio-config-file for command line) for configuring blockio classes and their cgroups blockio controller parameters. * Support io.kubernetes.cri.rdt-class container annotation for specifying RDT class. * Add rdt_config_file config file option (and corresponding --rdt-config-file for command line) for configuring the resctrl pseudo-filesystem. * The config field drop_infra_ctr is now true by default * The runtime_config_path option, which allows to specify the path of the runtime configuration file, is now supported by CRI-O. This is specific to the VM runtime type. * Validate certificate dates for TLS metrics endpoint Design * Drop support for the crio.shutdown. * ExecSync requests now don't use conmon, instead calling the runtime directly, which reduces overhead. Bug or Regression * Add support for absent_mount_sources_to_reject, which allows admins to configure paths that, when mounted into a container despite not existing on the host, causes a container creation request to fail. This is useful for paths like /etc/hostname, which causes trouble as a directory, but possibly shouldn't be created as a file either (in the case of a dynamic hostname). * Add symlink /proc/mounts on /etc/mtab to container * Add the config field internal_wipe which moves the responsibility of wiping containers after a reboot and images after an upgrade from the external binary crio wipe to the main crio server. This has a handful of advantages, the main one being crio is now better able to cleanup CNI resources after a reboot. * Allow users to customize conmon's resources if a pod is in a workload. * CRI-O now logs when it is using cgroupv2 * Fix a bug in internal_wipe that would mean CNI resources would be leaked across reboots. * Fix a bug where CRI-O can't work with runc 1.0.0-rc93 because of an incorrectly specified list of capabilities * Fix a bug where CRI-O would leak opened files for namespaces on a server restore * Fix a bug where crio config would print a string for privileged_without_host_devices, not a boolean * Fix a bug where a container exec process received a little less time than the timeout provided * Fix a bug where an exec sync timeout would fail to cleanup the runtime exec process * Fix a bug where cAdvisor couldn't read the disk usage of a pod with a dropped infra container * Fix a bug where duplicate requests would stall even if the pod or container was already created * Fix a bug where server startup was significantly slowed down by attempting to clean up CNI resources after a reboot. * Fix a performance regression with exec probes * Fix a segfault when CRI-O has takes more than 8 minutes to create a pod or container * Fix an RSS regression with exec sync requests * Fix an issue where a container started with a terminal fails on exec sync calls * Fix drop ALL and add back few caps behavior to not include the default configured capabilities * Fix potential panic when reopening a container's log * Fixed bug where it was not possible to run containers using the default or no seccomp profile on * seccomp disabled builds/machines * Fixed bug where runtime VM created containers never reach their completed state. * Fixed linkmode detection for on en_US systems crio version * Fixed runtime panic for layers lockfile if its parent directory does not exist. * Added support for repositories in auth.json * Re-attempt setting up conmon's cgroup if it fails on EAGAIN from dbus * Reduce the permission on the listen socket to 0660 * Reuse connection when connecting to dbus, as well as reattempt the connection if it fails temporarily * The privileged_without_host_devices flag can now be given a an additional parameter to configure a runtime * Wait for CNI plugins to be ready before starting non-host-network pods, to allow pods that may run CNI plugins to start faster Other (Cleanup or Flake) * Add systemd After=crio.service to containers and conmon * Switched build artifacts to be published via the cri-o bucket. * Use build tag for linkmode detection on crio version. Uncategorized * Add Particule as adopters * Add --device-ownership-from-security-context which allows an admin to specify devices be configured to be owned by the container user and group, rather than unconditionally * being root. * Added internal/process/defunct_processes.go and crio_processes_defunct metric to collect the total number of defunct/zombie processes in a node. * Raise a warning when creating a bind mount on the container root ==== libzypp ==== Version update (17.28.2 -> 17.28.3) - CMake/spec: Add option to force SINGLE_RPMTRANS as default for zypper (fixes #340) - Make sure singleTrans is zypper-only for now. - Do not double check signatures and keys (bsc#1190059) - version 17.28.3 (22) ==== zypper ==== Version update (1.14.48 -> 1.14.49) Subpackages: zypper-needs-restarting - Avoid calling 'su' to detect a too restrictive sudo user umask (bsc#1186602) - Fix typo in German translation (fixes #395) - BuildRequires: libzypp-devel >= 17.28.3. - version 1.14.49